Intense night

As Peter and Seth were walking, Peter was a woman with an identical hair color as Seth. Peter ran to greet the woman. All Seth would do was glance over to Peter with nothing to say. Seth's mother, on the other hand, greeted Peter with kindness and joy. Peter's face looked confused

"Seth is this your mother?"

Peter asked. Seth nodded while his mother smiled. Peter looked at Seth and laughed nervously.

"It's just kind of hard to believe you and Seth are related, you both are so different from each other."

Peter said with a chuckle.

"It must be because we have a different outlook on things."

Peter scratched his head as he'd give out a nervous laugh.

"Thats certainly true".

Said Seth's mother as she looked around trying to find Peter's parents.

"Peter aren't your parents going to pick you up?"

Peter sighed and smiled nervously.

"Well, I usually walk home since they don't really care where I go".

Seth's mother looked at Peter and smiled cheerfully, masking her pity for Peter.

"Do you want to come with us? Maybe you and Seth can hang out!"

Said Seth's mother. Peter backed up having a moment of thought

"If you and Seth are alright with it, then sure!"

Said Peter. Seth's mother looked at Seth and said;

"Are you okay with your friend coming over?"

Seth glances over to his mother and shrugged. Peter chuckled and asked

"Does that mean yes?"

Seth gave a nod to Peter. Seth's mother leaned closer to Peter raising her hand. They shook hands and smiled at each other. Peter took a dramatic step back and started to sweat. He became nervous, and his face had gone red. It looked as if Peter started having flashbacks of something. His legs felt weak as he nearly fell down. He cried out:

"Please don't hit me…!"

Seth's mother tilted her head in confusion

"Peter? Are you okay? All I want is to shake your hand dummy, I won't hurt you."

Peter blinked a few times and gasped, coming back to his normal self.

"Oh, right haha, that's my bad."

They both shook hands again, but Peter was curious about something

"So, ma'am, what should I call you?"

Seth's mother tilted her head back looking into the sky thinking.

"Hmm, You can just call me Jenny! Just think of me as your older sister, I'm not really that old haha...Right?!"

Peter chuckles as she says this.

"No, of course not. You don't look a day over 20 miss Jenny."

Both Peter and Seth's mom smile.

Jenny walks over to her car along with Seth and Peter. Seth opened the door and entered. He looked at Peter. Peter looked nervous and said:

"Th-this car…! It's very expensive isn't it?!"

Jenny seemed as proud as ever.

"Of course it is! It's a Rolls Royce Phantom, and it's one of our many cars!"

She said with a large smile. Peter walked into the car slowly as he tried not to scratch it or get it dirty. They all put on their seat belts and start driving. After around fifteen minutes, all of them arrive at the house. Seth and Jenny leave the car and wait for Peter to get out. Peter finally stepped out of the car looking up at a massive mansion, around 3 stories tall. The house is placed behind a large fence with security guards in front. As they enter, Seth leads them into the front entrance wrapped with green grass, full of beautiful flowers on each side of the walkway. As they continue to walk, there's a large fountain with a statue of a man and a small boy. The boy in statue looked like Seth.

Two large men open the beautiful gold encrusted oak door, and they enter into the front room. From here, they can see the beautiful living room with classy furniture covered in amazing lighting from beautiful windows. Rugs and paintings are placed throughout the whole house, and behind, there is a large french door, opening to an outside verandah and pool. Their kitchen is large with white subway tiles that go well with the stainless steel appliances. Their counter top clearly looked expensive, like some kind of quarts. Their kitchens island was bar sized, even though there was a bar right outside near the pool. In the kitchen, there were a few maids and cooks working. Jenny looked, walked over to Seth and Peter, patting them on the head.

"Why don't you take Peter to your room Seth? I need to work on business papers."

Seth nodded to his mother. Seth and Peter walk up to the giant staircase and met a nice wooden door. A servant opened the door for Seth and Peter. They are lead into a massive room with a nice blue color on the walls. The room is decorated with shelves filled with books and a desk. On top of the desk sits a computer with three monitors besides it. Seth's bed is king size with blue bedsheets, matching his walls, with many white pillows on it. There is a balcony outside of his room behind his white and light blue curtains covering the doors leading to it. Near his PC setup, There is a doorway that leads to the bathroom of Seth's master bedroom. The bathroom is white and large, with beautiful classy tiles and a toilet with many functions. The shower is separate from his bath, which is a large tub. Peter is in awe of Seth's amazing room. Peter and Seth sat down on his bed while Seth looks up at his ceiling. Peter awkwardly looks at the ceiling as well.

"So, uh, what do you want to do?"

Seth looks over to Peter blankly.

"I guess whatever you want to do"

Seth says effortlessly and silently. Peter walks over to the balcony opening the door to let in some fresh air. A girl with red hair was walking outside of the houses gate. Peter spotted the girl.


Seth stood up walking to where Peter was standing. Peter shouts at Maria while waving to her. Maria spots him waving then walk closer to the gate.

"Oh, woah you live here?!"

Peter shook his head and shouted.

"No, this is Seth's house I just came to visit!"

Maria looked confused because she had no idea that Seth was this rich.

"O-oh, I see. Well you guys want to hang out? I was planning to hit up the park with my friend!"

Peter looked over to Seth excitedly.

"So do you want to go with her?" He asked.

Seth shrugged then began walking down stairs with Peter to see Jenny. Peter follows Seth, then Seth pushes Peter with his shoulder lightly. Peter looks confused but then understands what Seth is trying to get him to do

"There's a friend that invited us to go to the park, can we please go?"

Jenny nods her head without paying any attention as she's on the computer with her phone. Seth and Peter walk out greeting Maria. They both talk as Seth listens quietly, then soon start walking towards the park. They'd then arrive at the park and began waiting for the girl Maria is meeting up with. The lady soon arrives and Maria and her talk a lot. Maria and the girl would talk, but Seth and Peter would stand there watching awkwardly. Some time passes by and the sun would begin to go down. People began leaving the park as it was turning dark. Maria turns over to Peter.

"Looks like we need to go home it's late."

Everybody starts to get going. Maria's friend walks a few steps, but then a man in a black coat and a black hat would stand right in front of her. Without noticing, she walked into him and fell to the ground. Maria looks over to her in concern

"Something wrong?!"

Seth and Peter would turn over to the girls eyeing the man. The man would grin pulling out a knife looking like a lunatic.

"How perfect two beautiful young girls are! Why don't we enjoy ourselves? If you don't struggle it might even feel good!!"

The man would scream his head off not caring how loud he is. Peter quickly walks over to the man extremely enraged by his comment.

"Leave. Now."

The man's face looks irritated, but then all of a sudden he slashes Peter's cheek with a knife. Peter moved his head back in order to dodge it, but gets a small cut.

"Oh kid you're quite quick!"

The man threw a punch at peter so quickly that he didn't see it coming. The creepy old man laughed hysterically, then he saw Seth standing behind Peter as he grabbed The collar of his shirt. Seth was pulling him back so he wouldn't get hit. Peter nervously stands back to his normal position.

"damn he's fast! I need to be on my guard for this.."

Peter said thinking to himself. Seth took a few steps back, watching and knowing that Peter would be able to take care of this. The man swiftly points the knife at Peter. Peter kicked the knife out of the man's hand then he grabbed the man's arm putting it over his shoulder. Peter flipped the man with immense force, which lead to the creep hitting his head hard to the ground. Peter quickly stood up and looked at him in yowling in pain.

"now wasn't that fun?"

Maria helps her friend, up looking over to Peter.

"W-what just happened. What was that?"

Peter nervously scratches his head. Maria glances over to Seth. Maria saw the man on the ground then walked off with her friend. She turned back an said:

"Thank you Peter."

Peter blushed than began to walk home with Seth bragging on how badass he was. They arrived as they saw the mansion. Peter decided it was time to go, and Seth waved to Peter as he left. Jenny patted Seth's shoulder and said.

"I'm so glad that you're making so many friends!'

Seth walked into his room, laying down on his bed with his arms under his head.

"I guess they're not too bad."

Seth whispers under his breath.

The next day begins as the sun rises and Seth quickly gets a ride to his school. Looking out of the car window, he thinks:

"I hope this day will be fun too."

Seth closes his relaxed eyes and lets out a slight smile.