Chapter 7: An old friend

"What an amazing sword," Shi Fan couldn't help but compliment the stats of the weapon. Despite the game already at 3 years, there are only a few reported Semi Legendary Weapons that Non-Emperors wield. As most of them are highly covered by the strongest individuals that even the weakest Semi-Legendary weapons could cause the downfall of a City.

Shi Fan didn't linger any longer as he opened his stats window.

ID: ????? (390321389412)

Level 27

Class: Rank 1 Adventurer

Side Jobs: None

Title: Not set


Strength: 50

Agility: 24

Endurance: 24

Mana Affinity:5


Critical Chance: 5(0.5%)

Power:5 (+10% Critical Damage Bonus).

"Wih my current stats I don't have problem fighting monster 5 levels ahead of me at the common rank," Shi Fan said chuckling. Having read a lot of stuff he can already estimate the minimum power needed to fight entities higher than one's level. "But...this sword is weird. The game can't possibly just give me a massive boost at the start cant it?" Sensing something amiss Shi Fan knew that something huge is gonna happen. The game is absolutely balanced in all aspects, the most common "unbalanced" thing are people encountering strange domains or dimensions that mete out equal punishment should they failed.

While thinking this a quake suddenly happened. A tall male elf reaching the height of 30 meters slowly walked in front of Shi Fan. He was shocked though it's not the height that astonished Shi Fan.

"This individual came behind the falls." He was already a hundred meters away from the base of the falls but due to the massive size of the falls, he can still feel the pressure that was crushing him down coming from the water as well as the air pressure. Due to the strange power he could barely feel it. Let alone humans even Obsidian Golems which boasts the highest known defense will surely crumble under the intense pressure when near the base of the falls.

"A Spiritwalker? How did someone like you appeared in this place?" the elf spoke. "This place is restricted only to higher entities. So answer me how could you possibly enter here." The elf squinted his eyes and found something astonishing in Shi Fan's head.

"An NPC?" Shi Fan questioned himself upon hearing the elf speak. At first, he thought it was a monster but seeing it spoke he questioned himself further of the other party's identity. Monsters in Emperor Online have the ability to speak however they are limited to high-level monsters ranks 8 and 9. Even at that rank monster already gave of bloodlusts vibe which differentiates them from other entities, however, this one obviously did not give that sort of vibe.

"I am Shi Fan, an adventurer. I came here when I received a certain quest" Shi Fan spoke honestly. Seeing that the elf can bypass the base of Ryusuuji Falls easily it can show how powerful this entity is. Shi Fan could hardly gauge the power of the elf before him as his status window is clearly hidden.

"Interesting, for you to come back after such a long time, for you to use your remaining powers just to come here. Aren't you asking for a beating?" the elf spoke as if talking to someone, Shi Fan was about to answer when the voice suddenly spoke.

"Oh ho? If it isn't Maldevir. Damn spiteful as always ain't ya." a laughing voice came from Shi Fan's back as a bright light shone from it.

Shi Fan turned around the first thing that came into his mind is a strange floating plume of fire that obviously can....speak. Hearing that voice the elf immediately took note of the strange fire. Though he was clearly angry not a hint of killing intent burst out.

"It really is you, Oh the great Quan Shi turning to a plume of fire, how ironic," Maldevir coldy scoffed. "Your captors clearly didn't set you off easily eh.

As if hit in it's sore spot the plume of fire belowed softly. "Wanna fight?"

"I'm not interested in fighting someone that isn't even capable of releasing their own spiritual body." Maldevir coldly spoke.

"If that old geezer finds that you're back here he'll surely boil you for tens or hundreds years then escort you to Hell himself" Maldevir warned Quan Shi.

"Aiyaa that old fool won't notice it hehe. He had gone senile already and put the past behind us ain'tcha?" Quan Shi spoke in a prideful tone "Plus you are already the caretaker of this place. I won't take what's yours and I'll only get what's mine okay?" Said Quan Shi then he looked at Shi Fan "Hey, my friend. let's go or else some old fool will find me here"

The plume of fire softly entered through Shi Fan's pores without feeling a little heat.

"Where are we going?" Shi Fan asked.

"We're leaving," Quan Shi as a ball of fire appeared and sat on Shi Fan's right shoulder merrily.

"Hey, stupid Quan Shi! If that old geezer detected you I'm not a fault. You just had to stole his 10 000 year old spirit herb yet also had to steal his Ninth Guardian." Maldevir shouted at Quan Shi not pursuing the fact that they trespassed his place.

"Don't care, it's his own fault for letting his favorite pet guard such treasure," Quan Shi merrily replied not caring the slightest. Betraying his happiness the space around them instantly froze as it turns to red.

"Aiyaaaa. He's here" Quan Shi said nervously. Shi Fan noticed the quick change in Quan Shi's tone. Despite the fact that he was unafraid when talking to Maldevir this time however he can feel the nervousness of the former. A void rift appeared above the clouds and an old man slowly descended while holding a blood-red staff.

"Senile? You've already grown don't cha eh? Young Quan Shi?" the old human spoke sarcastically

"Aiyaa old geezer it's just a joke you know. You are much stronger than I right now, cant you give me some..magnanimity?" Quan Shi despite being a prideful one cannot change the fact that his tone now is very nervous as if the mouse seeing the cat.

Shi Fan looked up to the descending individual. Despite not seeing the status bar of Maldevir when they first met. Shi Fan, however, can see this individual's level and status bar. And soon he hoped that this was all just a dream.

(Respected Godsent Alchemist) Emperor Hashmir

Level: 800

HP: ????? MP:?????