Chapter 41: What the hell.

Shi Fan and Red Leaf were transported into a different world with blue flames. Although it looks very real it is only a prop.

Red Leaf pulled out his Level 1 wooden sword which does 5 base damage when hit. Their base stats are lowered to 5 while their HP and MP sank to 100 points. Their average DPS is 7 damage per hit. Although they have different classes they still belong to Melee classes so their weapon given to them by the system is a wooden sword.

"What the heck is this." Shi Fan couldn't help but compare his current sword to the Sword of Uograzi. Although the latter is much larger than the former they almost weigh the same and the reach of Sword Of Uograzi is 1.5 times longer than his current sword. He looks upward and sees the system clock ticking down from 10.

Both of the two parties readied themselves. Although Red Leaf is much more confident at defeating Shi Fan as he started playing a month ago he already learned an array of skills.

"Show Skill Set." Shi Fan commanded as it is much easier to see the cooldown of skills when saying a command rather than swipe here and there.

[Skill Set]

Rank 1: Swordsman Path


Skill Level: 1

Base Damage: 4+10% base damage

Mp cost: 7

Cooldown:10 seconds

Chanting Required: No

- - - - - - -

"Seriously? Only one? Am I fighting a crocodile using a stick?" Shi Fan facepalmed. He already played the game 2 days ago yet he still didn't buy or obtained a single skill.

"He kid. Let me teach you something." Quan Shi signaled for Shi Fan to come closer even though only themselves can hear what they're talking about.

Red Leaf was readying his combination skills until he noticed the strange pose of Shi Fan. The other party held his wooden sword on his right hand and he stanced like he is preparing for a slashing upward attack.

The counter hit 0 and Shi Fan started moving left and right while slashing upward at the air in the same place. Red Leaf started following his actions yet even after 20 seconds he still didn't attack. Feeling angry he started running towards him. However, the moment he moves Shi Fan also dashed forward.

"Fast!" Red Leaf couldn't help but comment and be on guard for the upcoming attack. Shi Fan is now 3 meters away from him he readied himself for an upward slash. He readied the "Block" skill which decreases an incoming attack's damage by half.

"2 meters." Quan Shi reminded Shi Fan.

"I know." He also prepared his own attack.

Red Leaf noticed that he is almost the reach of Shi Fan's sword. He held his sword in front of his chest and activated the skill. "Block!" his wooden sword shone a dull-colored gray.

"He fell for it." Quan Shi smirked.

When Shi Fan slashed upward it actually passed through Red Leaf's wooden sword however the latter expected he will be hit in the chest strange however it actually hit his head. Red Leaf became very confused on what Shi Fan did just do


Shi Fan didn't stop. He immediately spun his sword and immediately followed up with a Stab skill taking advantage of the confused Red Leaf. "Stab!" his wooden sword immediately shone a red-colored glow and he stabbed in his chest like a dagger.


"What in the world is happening!" Red Leaf was very confused. Shi Fan was supposed to hit his chest why is Shi Fan's sword suddenly struck his head without him noticing?.

Shi Fan and Quan Shi smirked at Red Leaf's reaction. Even Shi Fan was dumbfounded it actually worked. What Shi Fan did do is he did not dash forward. Although he dashed forward it was his back that his actually in front as if he's moving backward so that there will be no blocking on his sword's path.

What Red Leaf sees from before is the animation on what Shi Fan is doing before he moved. It imprinted into his subconscious on the travel of Shi Fan that he didn't expect that he is actually moving backward.

"Next." Quan Shi commanded still smiling.

"Roger." Shi Fan stepped back to his original position waiting for Red Leaf to move

Feeling very angry Red Leaf moved. "Burning Slash!" his sword showed a flaming animation and glowed brightly. He leaped towards Shi Fan ready to slash down his flaming sword using his two hands

Shi Fan just stood there ready to take the attack. Red Leaf took advantage of this and added more strength to his grip. When he is about 1 meter away from Shi Fan he slashed down.

The other party however remained calmed and readied his sword. Red Leaf expected Shi Fan to block it however it didn't go as expected as Shi Fan kicked his right arm elbow that is within reach of Shi Fan's legs. Since the system balanced both of their stats even though Red Leaf has a bigger body their Strength is on par with each other.

Although adventurer bodies kicks or punch couldn't stop Sword Type Skills it could stop the hands that are using it. The kick immediately numbed Red Leaf's right hand causing him to lose grip and the burning sword's light block his view of the upcoming scenarios.

Shi Fan took advantage of the descending huge body as he slashed twice in the same spot.

