Chapter 47: Isnt that cheating?

The two descended at an incomparable speed. Although the height of their leap is very high they didn't suffer from fall damage.

When they touched the ground a gust of air came from them scattering the nearby dust.

Their descent startled the nearby Lizardians which immediately alerted them. Shi Fan without a second thought immediately dashed forward leaving Yui Si behind.

Lizardian (Common Monster) Level 25

HP: 6000 MP:300

Shi Fan's action started Yuu Si which then began casting a wide range of ice-type spells.

"Why would he start moving towards those many monsters? Is he crazy?"

Rank 1: Ice Shards! Modifier: Multiply!

Rank 1: Ice Spikes! Modifier: Explode!

Numerous shards of ice the size of a 3-liter water bottle immediately formed as they acted like unlimited missiles without pausing. After that, the attacking Lizardians were impaled from belowground by spikes made of ice which exploded dealing AOE damage around them.

Diyo looked at their progress a minute of their descent

Monster Hunting Duel: 29 minutes and 15 seconds left

Yuu Si: 167 Monsters

Jian Huang: 0 Monster

"That Yuu Si, she's good hmm?" Diyo spoke to Tiger Tail beside him.

"I agree with the leader. She's quite a peculiar individual when I found her though." Tiger Tail looked at Yuu Si which is still battling below ground.

"Why is that?" Diyo looked at Tiger Tail as he was wondering what he's talking about.

"She only picks ice-type spells. The rest..she didn't take it. I believed she has an Epic Necklace with her."

"What's the item's name." Diyo curiously asked. In his whole equipment, he only has two Epic Pieces of equipment one is his armor and his belt.

"Everfrost." Tiger Tail replied as he looked at Yuu Si casting multiple ice spells.

"Everfrost..." Diyo contemplated. If his intel gathering is right it should be one of the so-called Modifier Equipment. Modifier Equipment is a rare type of piece of equipment that allows the user to add modifiers to the power of their skills. There are different types of modifiers for skills and are only visible to players. "It seems that Modifier Equipment is only for Ice-type spells isn't it?"

"Nope. As I heard from Yuu Si herself it modifies all type elemental skills." Tiger Tail gave his leader a wry smile. "It seems she's addicted to ice-type spells because of her necklace's name."

"This girl" Diyo looked at her skills and she's killing monsters like madmen. He looked again at the statistics on his status screen.

Monster Hunting Duel: 26 Minutes 32 seconds left

Yuu Si: 364 Monsters

Jian Huang: 0 Monster

"Why is that kid not killing any monsters?" Diyo murmured to himself.


Shi Fan continued running as he dodged every single Lizardians on his way.

"Master isn't this enough?" Shi Fan looked behind and hordes of monsters continued to follow him. His low level attracted the monsters around them.

"Nope, not yet a little further." Quan Shi ordered. If he's right the best place to farm should be around here. "There under that tree."

Shi Fan looked straight ahead and he could see a towering tree where it's leaves is orange in color.

"The Tree of Sahara." Quan Shi reminisces the past he once remembered. He continued "Good, now take out that egg you received from before."

Without asking for a reason why he pulled out the odd egg he received from before. It contains a small aura that made Lizardians around him hunger for it.

"Why are they damn attracted to me now?" Although Shi Fan kept running for a few minutes he could see other Lizardians just standing there when he passed by. Now the moment he pulled the egg all those monsters around the Tree of Sahara turned madmen.

"It's useful ain't it?" Quan Shi laughed as he watched thousands of monsters in all four directions running towards Shi Fan.

"What should I do now?" Shi Fan asked as he cried deep inside him after seeing at least 5 thousand monsters stampeding toward him.

"Spin, just spin kid." Quan Shi continued laughing.

Shi Fan is crying deep inside after hearing his master's laughing until he heard a system ping. "Now what!"

[System ]: Null have given you Skill Book: [Eternal Spin]

"Who in the hell is this Null to be so generous." Shi Fan cried deep inside him. Strange however as it is possible to mail items although it couldn't be allowed to receive it during in combat and Shi Fan is already in combat the moment he descended.

"Thanks, and that's me by the way" Quan Shi continued laughing as the monsters are now 50 meters from the duo.

"Seriously? You can even give skills too? Yet the duel started about 5 minutes ago and you just sent me this? Cant, you give me a Calamity-Class spell as compensation?"

Shi Fan roared in angry. His master actually planned on sending him here to die. Even though he is a few levels ahead he couldn't possibly defeat an army of over 5 thousand Lizardians.

"Are you crazy? Give you a Calamity-Class skill? Do you want this entire island to evaporate?" Both of them began bickering. As much as he enjoys teasing Shi Fan he's also teaching him how to fight like an Emperor.

"Nevermind, I'll just learn it." Shi Fan tapped the skill book and the book vanish as a yellow light went inside his body. An empty skill slot immediately showed a person that is spinning using an ax.

The Lizardians which is about 10 meters away from him is about to start attacking using their spears. Shi Fan started rotating at a slow to a fast speed. Diyo as the only player whose perception can reach Shi Fan who is watching from above felt a sudden chill in his body.

"Rank 1: Spin!" he pulled out the Sword of Uograzi from his back and started spinning with the guidance of the skill system. With the base stat addition of the Sword of Uograzi and the effect of Aura of Pistil, they are immediately killed the moment the sword slashed through them and Shi Fan began his killing spree from all four directions.

A few seconds into battle however he noticed something odd happening. "Wait...This skill doesn't use MP!" he noticed that after spinning for almost 10 seconds his MP bar is still at maximum. All skills consume MP even the weakest one uses 1 MP as a minimum. Yet such overpowered skill doesn't consume a single MP from him.

"Of course I modified it a little." Quan Shi pridefully said as he showed his power in front of Shi Fan. All could Shi Fan see however is a burning flame. While spinning he looked at his rate of progress and was shocked by the results.

Monster Hunting Duel: 24 minutes 42 seconds left

Yuu Si: 548 Monsters

Jian Huang: 332 Monsters

Shi Fan, Yuu Si and Diyo from different places all commented on his fast rate of kills. "Isn't that cheating?"