Chapter 49: Emergency Summons

D-Type Planet "Rock"

"Goddamit." Heymon slammed his table when he received his subordinate report.

"Why is that Diyo so damn protective of him." in the report it says that Diyo easily dispatched of their allied spies. He continued as he called out hid assistant. "When are our troops going to arrive?!"

"According to our estimate, it will take 3 days for them to fully arrive." His assistant looked at the report in his hands.

"Good, make sure that the 13 Saints won't notice of their arrival," Heymon smirked as his plans are coming to fruition.


"5000+? Lizardians?" FuFu slowly wept as her only hope is being demolished by someone she truly hates.

"That's impossible!" Pheri commented. As one of the Melee Based class, he knows how much power those who follow the Swordsman path they are literally useless when it comes to AoE skills as they have little to no arsenal of them. It is also impossible for Shi Fan to kill them individually as fast as Yuu Si could.

"Well, the System doesn't lie. Even I was shocked by the happenings." Diyo laughed as he also slightly expected Yuu Si to win after finding out she had a Modifier Equipment.

Diyo looked into the distance and all he could see is how Shi Fan is still spinning weirdly.

"Leader.." a familiar voice called out to him.

"Hmm?" Diyo again turned back and he sees a worried look on Tiger Tail's face.

"I received a mail." Tiger Tail solemnly replied. He immediately mailed it to his leader. Although Chat or Calling exists in the game they are the only person to person, unlike Mailing which is possible to be sent to many people at once and could be also forwarded to other people.

Diyo opened up the mail he just received and his brows furrowed the moment he reads it.

"It seems they are coming way too soon."

[Mail] Emergency Summons to the 13 Saints and their respective Chiefs to arrive at the Kingdom of Estafiel ASAP -King Sampem of the Seven Seas Guild.

Diyo predicted the purpose of the meeting. He smiled as he looked at the 6 people around both of them as the future leaders of the Kikyo Adventurer Team. If unity could be achieved through them it is even possible for them to defeat the 1st Saint's Team for the upcoming Games.

"We are both going to the Kingdom for a while. It seems the winner is already decided so it's time to stop the duel." Diyo contacted the both of them. A few minutes later both of them arrived panting heavily.

"It seems I won" Shi Fan smirked as he looked at Yuu Si.

"I still won't accept you." Yuu Si coldly said as she looks at Diyo with a worried look. She continued "Is there something wrong?"

"King Sampem is summoning the both of us. You can do whatever you want from this point on and wait for instructions until we finished the meeting." Tiger Tail explained as Diyo pulled out a purple-colored stone the same one he gave to Shi Fan.

"Well then peeps always be careful." Without waiting for the others to talk both of them immediately turned into a streak of purple light and disappeared from the Lagranis Lair.

As the others watched their departure. Shi Fan looked belowground and he sees the Lizardians are already respawning. He looked at his current side quests and realized he still needs to kill 2370 Lizardians to complete one objective. Shi Fan also merrily rejoiced as his level increased from 29 to 32 in a span of half an hour.

As adventurers level up their experience gained from low-level monsters decreases by a lot and it will further decrease when parties with a high leveled or ranked adventurer. This way power leveling becomes utterly impossible.

"Well, it seems we should part ways here now." Shi Fan who plans on returning to the lair suggested as he looked at his 5 other party members. Although he won't accept being a leader as he prefers being solo this will be a good learning experience of other classes as he only knew the different classes just by learning in the forums. In this way, he will be able to know their actual strengths unlike watching from behind the screen.

"Where are you going?" Pheri noticed the difference in Shi Fan's use of words. All of them still didn't formally introduce each other yet now their so-called leader is planning on going somewhere.

"I'm returning to the Lair. This spot seems a good place to farm." Shi Fan lied. He couldn't possibly tell the others of a possible treasure in there that is given by a mystical flame which abruptly shown upon his head the time he arrived in the game.

"Suit yourself." Yuu Si snorted as if she didn't realize that she lost the duel one-sided. Pheri, Asphyxia, and FuFu pulled out their Stone of Nesam and disappeared from the area leaving Shi Fan and Cecil alone.

"Why didn't you go along with them?" Shi Fan curiously asked as he is interested in why she didn't leave. He shouted, "It can't be!"

"No, I don't like you a single bit." Cecil politely smiled as she stepped forward to the place that overlooks the entire Lair.

"Ah, I see." Shi Fan was actually thinking she stayed because of the treasure but how it hurts to hear that such a cute girl does not like her A SINGLE BIT.

"Let's party." Cecil turned towards Shi Fan as her cute smile penetrated him.

"I agree." Although Shi Fan doesn't want to expose his purpose here it won't hurt to know your future Cleric, won't it?

Shi Fan pulled out his status and sent Cecil a friend request.

[System] Adventurer Cecil accepted your friend request.

[System] Adventurer Cecil invited you to a party. Do you accept it? (Y/N)

Without a thought, Shi Fan accepted to be in her party and an additional status bar appeared below his.


Level 35

Class: Cleric

"Shall we?" Shi Fan pulled out hid hand as he gestured to his party member it's time to go deep in the Lair. Cecil politely took his hand as she smiled letting Shi Fan lead the way.


Kingdom of Estafiel

"It seems we were invited late." Diyo laughed beside Tiger Tail as he looked at the group of people in front of them. He stared darkly at all of then and spoke. "I'm quite hurt.

"You're not invited late. You just cannot be contacted." a female voice came from among the group.

Diyo looked at the familiar voice as he sees a pink-colored armor set which is very familiar to all individuals who reside inside the Kingdom.

"Mami..." Diyo looked at her with a joyful tone. If there's a single person that loves him the most among the 13 Saints it is her own sister. He just didn't know how her sister hates him.

"It seems 10th Saint Diyo is here now. Welcome to the emergency summons, my 13 Saints." King Sampem heartily laughed as he arrived.