If you're reading this, then I'm sorry to say that I don't have enough time to write this novel. Writing about pre-established characters means so much research that it's just not worth it. Doesn't help that I had a few 'obstacles' in the initial parts of writing this. People just can't read for the sake of enjoying a story here, they have to add their 'input' that just makes me less motivated to write.
It's not writer's block, as I have enough material for this to get finished in a few hundred chapters. I just don't feel like writing much these days. Especially when I have an original novel that I write at the same time as this one. I just started rewriting that one, too.
Real life events are also a reason for this hiatus. There's been a warning for a threat of volcanic eruption in my country, you can search for it 'Taal Volcano'. Classes are suspended for tomorrow, so I wrote this while I have some time.
I live close enough to have ashes fall from the sky, but not near enough to be seriously affected. But I can't say for sure what would happen, since there's no sure way to confirm anything right now.
For now, our house is covered in ashes. Man, the sulfur smells really bad. Hope my fellow Filipinos in or near Batangas have a safe week!
Give me some time to get myself together, don't worry about it being dropped without ever getting to the end. Let's just say that there's too little demand for me to push myself to write this. If you do like the novel, check it out after some time passed. I'll either pick it back up again if I have some spare time or will do so later on. No promises on when that will be, though.
If I end up not wanting to write this novel anymore, I'll post the script for it instead. At least you'll get to know how it ends.