Dungeon Lord


"Calm down ... I am still stabilizing the Mana Pool ... " [Azazel]

Mana Pool ? What the hell is that ? I close my eyes and concentrate on Azazel's image . There I can see him , floating in a space that seems to be part of me , playing around with all kind of symbols and circles ...

I don't know what he is doing , but I am not idiot enough not to realize it's quite important . Out of the sudden, I feel my body light ... My body ... My real body , not that of a freaking bunny . It looks like I am floating in the same place as Azazel . Concentrating , I can move in any direction ... Or better said , float in any direction !

This is so awesome !

"Azazel , you really need to explain some things ... " [Scythe]

All the symbols and circles merge together in a huge complex , glowing formation . Then , the formation gets smaller and smaller .


Out of the sudden , that formation splits in two ... One-half merges with my right hand like a tattoo , while the other is imprinted on Azazel's left hand .

Until now , I've been feeling some kind of uneasiness ... A dull pain radiating from my inside ... It was not that bad , so I ignored it ... But now it disappeared totally . I don't know what you did , but thank you !

"OK , now that I've finished stabilizing the Man Pool, we should talk !" [Azazel]

" That term again ... Do you really think that a normal farmer is capable of understanding all that nonsense ? " [Scythe]

He looks a little displeased at my words ...

"Uhhh ... I forgot that the one that killed me is a moron that only knows how to dig wells ! " [Azazel]

"Hey , you are stuck in this moron's body ! So behave yourself !" [Scythe]

He frowns for a second and then his expression turns carefree again ... The hell ... His mood changes twice a minute ...

"Very well ... Let's start from the beginning then ... I am Azazel , an ancient Fallen God that has lived the last twenty-four thousand years as a Planetary Dungeon on your former world ." [Azazel]

"Scythe , farmer ." [Scythe]

"Now , as you already know , we've been reincarnated in this world in the same body ... Furthermore , this is YOUR body ... But this doesn't mean that I am not capable of controlling it if you allow me to . " [Azazel]

"Yeah yeah ... I already know this much ... Now tell me , why am I a bunny ..." [Scythe]

He hesitates for a second and looks like he wants to answer my question , but then he shakes his head before opening his mouth again .

"It is a little more complicated ... Listen well ! I will explain this to you only once !

First let's talk about the most important thing , Mana ! Mana or Astral Energy is the universal source of life . Every living being has inside them a certain amount of Mana . Some more , some less . If you have enough , then you are capable of using this energy to manipulate the rules of this world . This Phenomenon is known under the name "Magic" .

Now , a dungeon albeit it is a living being , it doesn't have a way of creating Mana . This is why dungeons absorb energy from the environment : animals , plants , humans .

For example , in your former world , the whole planet was my source of Mana . In time , I gathered a huge amount of Astral Energy that was stored in my soul .

Now that my soul is part of your body , that amount of energy is yours to use ! "

Holly shit ... That sounds awesome . With this power, I can ...


"Don't even think about using it ... It's not possible . At least not for now !" [Azazel]

Can he read my mind ? Or were my intentions that obvious ?

"Why ?" [Scythe]

"Let me finish my explanation .

Like I said , all the energy that I gathered in my previous world is now in your body . But that Mana is unstable . This is why I had to place those seals on both of us to control it . "[Azazel]

Ohh ... So that's what it was ... A seal ... And the dull pain was the Mana inside me that I was incapable of controlling .... Again , thank you !

" Now , you must understand one thing ... Not even I can comprehend how powerful a being capable of using all that Mana would be ... Although I was a god in the past , never have I encountered anyone possessing this much Astral Energy .

With this , in the future, you might become a true monster !" [Azazel]

"Wait ... The is something that was bothering me ... You don't have your Planetary Dungeon anymore ... Doesn't that mean that , in time , all this energy is going to be exhausted ? " [Scythe]

"No ... This is the thing about your body that you were asking me earlier .

Let me explain . You are a Dungeon Lord . But your species has been exterminated long ago by the gods . This was necessary because not only was your species capable of creating dungeons and absorb Mana from everything in their domain , but you could regenerate that energy yourself based on your Mana Pool .

Now , the Mana Pool is part of the Mana Storage . This is the place we are in right now . " [Azazel]

"But I can't see any strands of Mana here ... Didn't you say that all the Astral Energy you gathered should be here ? " [Scythe]

"I'll get there ... let me finish my explanation without interrupting me for every small detail !

Like I said you are a Dungeon Lord . This mean that you can regenerate energy based on your Mana Pool !

And this is the reason why your species was exterminated ."

Even if you tell me this much , I still don't understand why should my whole current species be exterminated ... I can regenerate Mana ... So what ? Any living being can do that ...

"From the looks of it, you still haven't figured it out ...

To put it bluntly , a newborn Dungeon Lord first creates a Dungeon . Then absorbs energy from all the living things in his domain .

Like this, his Mana Pool extends . But , even if latter he uses all his energy , he will regenerate it in time to the maximum amount without needing other sources . " [Azazel]

"Wait , does that mean that ... " [Scythe]

"A Dungeon Lord can grow infinitely . " [Azazel]

Holly ... Shit ! My mouth is agape ... I didn't realize that my species is so ... Awesome !

"Well , to be more exact , you could grow to the Mana Limit Cap . Basically , at one point , your Mana Pool become as big as your whole Mana Storage ... This whole space !

The Mana Storage is the limit of any Dungeon Lord !

But you are even more special than that because your body hides two souls . In this conditions , your Mana Storage increased exponentially . It is about one thousand times bigger than normal.

Now that I finished explaining that , let's talk about your body .

A Dungeon Lord has five stages in life . When he is born , he has the body of a low-level beast or insect . In your case , a bunny .

When he gathers more energy he can change his body to the next levels .

" [Azazel]

"But ... You said that I possess a huge amount of Mana ... So why ..." [Scythe]

"You can't control it ! " [Azazel]