The Universe: infinite and ageless, eternal and perpetual, cold and ethereal. It can be described by so many words and in the same time by so few. What was once a mass of peerless darkness, now is illuminated by countless clusters, galaxies, solar systems and by the souls of an almost infinite number of species that stride towards higher peaks.
In time, far far away, in the corners of the first Universe, another Universe was born. Again, light appeared, black holes were created by the death of super-massive stars, clusters and galaxies were born and life flourished.
This process continued for countless ages. Old Universes died or merged with others, but the cycle of birth and death never stopped.
Although all these facts are fascinating, my story doesn't have much of a connection with them at all. Back then I was a mere insect, a slightly stronger insect at that but still not something that could change the Universe in any way. Well… That is not entirely true. I mean I could change ONE Universe. But considering how many there are, one isn't that much… Is it?
Well, you don't have to give me an answer right now because, soon, you will understand that even someone that could shake countless worlds is actually not that much among true monsters.
My story begins there, in the remains of the first Universe where the first race achieved absolute powers: the Realm of Eternity. A legendary place where true monsters can be seen roaming through the streets in plain sight. A world where I'll discover the true meaning of words like "Friends", "Family", "Psychos" , "Enemies" and most importantly the meaning of that one word that I would like to have never heard of, that one word that brings so many beautiful memories and, in the same time makes me hate my lack of power from back then and question my whole life: "Love";