chapter 1

Silence is golden.

Paul looked at me and smiled as the rest of his twenty royal family members stared at me.

I didn't know I was dating a young prince of a long lost russian kingdom.

Someone coughed at the left side of the table.

Still silence.

The giant elegant dinning room of the palace was nothing out of line.

Something you would see in a Disney movie from your childhood.

The queen raised her eye brow.

I felt so out of line here in my jeans and black hoodie.

Everyone else was in a formal dress or Russian attire.

Even Paul.

Paul was a stalky and tall handsome teenager with light brunette brown hair and hazel eyes.

His smile caught me,cute and mischievous.

His mother was the queen and that made him the to be king and as for me I am a family exchange.

That means that I was given in marriage to this young prince of a forgotten kingdom.

I'm from America but my family owes this family because of some secret messaging to a great-great-great-grandmother that got lost her over one hundred years ago.

They still haven't forgotten it.

I don't think they ever will.

Well at least the queen has a super cute son,no kidding.

We are both still too young to court yet,so I guess I'm here so we can learn about each other till we hit 18.

Oh wait... we're 16.

"Where's your kingdom attire,lace?",the queen asked me, waiting for me to answer her as I stared at my engagement ring.

"Huh,you didn't give me any kingdom attire?"

Everyone gasped at me as the queen looked just as shocked like I said,"I ate my goldfish."

"You talk to the queen like that?",Paul's aunt said,her hair in tight curls.

"What queen?"

Paul kicked my foot under the table.

"Oh I'm sorry."

The queen narrowed her eyes at me, "You are forgiven,but watch out with that sharp tone in the future."

"I sent the dress for tonight's meal", Paul's older cousin replied sharply.

"Oh that dress,oh...oh..uhm..well..I kinda dropped mustard on it."

"You ruined it,it took me forever to make that!",his cousin cryed out looked at me raged.

Paul looked at me a little bit of shame and embarrassment in his eyes.

The queen looked angry and so did his uncle's and aunts and other cousin's.

I gasped loudly, "Well,I can explain!"