The hallway was long and full of crimson red on the walls and the carpet floor.
Paintings of past queens and royals hung on the walls above the golden carved railing.
A Chandler hung in the ceiling,giant and beautiful.
If it fell,the servents would have a lot of work to do.
Dust covered almost every ancient surface down the hallway, while small fires danced on candles in the the candle holders overtop the old pictures.
Paul held my hand,his hand was warm and firm.
Even though he was a prince didn't mean he didn't do things such as horseback riding, hunting and dancing.
Unlike his uncle's who pushed pens across paper and slept till the afternoon.
I felt so homesick.
I just wanted to return to my old cozy Alaskan home, taking care of my auntie who had fallen sick a few months before I was told that I was to marry the prince of a long ago monarch and have his child.
In return, they would care for my aunt and her two children which were just fine.
At all means they were well to do, my parents were African American travelers before they died in a tragic boat accident in Brazil before I reached the age of three, so I don't remember much of them.
"How are you enjoying the castle,lacy?, Paul asked before I noticed that both me and him were walking side beside, unlike before when I was in front of him.
I sighed because I couldn't tell the truth to him or he would hate me.
If I was to be truthful honest I would say, "I hate this dungeon like castle,I dislike you royal, knockoff high class family and I think you would make a excellent wallpaper of a king."
But instead what I said was, "It's okay,it's much different from home."
"It must be hard for you,in a new country, among new people."
"Yeah, it was kinda scary at first but I guess I will get use to it."
Paul stoped me in the middle of the hallway,close to our rooms, where we depart for the night.
His fingers tightened around mine when he grabbed my other hand.
I felt pure confusion as I accidentally met eyes with him.
His eyes were not both hazel as they look from a distance but the right eye a bit darker than the other, almost brown.
They were beautiful.
But deep in them was a look of longing and a desperate want for affection.
"What?",I replied softly, hoping this little romantic moment would come to a end.
"Ah, nothing princess.",He whispered as his gaze drifted off to something over my head.
I turned around and saw a frame with a blank canvas inside of it.
It hung on the wall, beautiful even though it was empty without a painting with a dusty in it's glass.
He was looking at the frame as if it was the most astounding thing he had seen in his sixteen years of living on this planet.
"Uhm...Paul,why is that the only empty canvas on the wall, where's the king and queen painting?"
Paul smiled a little bit, reveling straight white teeth," The picture on the left is my mother,and then next her mother and father then their mother and father and so forth,so who so you think will be in the empty canvas?"
"Well, you the new king.",I anwsered quickly.
"And who else will be included with me?"
Nervousness was about to creep into my belly at that question.
"I guess your queen."
His arms went around my waist as a he leaned closer to my face, enough for me to feel his breath, "Yes,my Princess," Paul mumbled, "You."
I quickly snatched my hands away and shoved him in the chest gently.
His expression was full of shock and hurt.
"I'm sorry Paul,but I'm like really tired and I like really need a good nap,you know..uhm...we could spend some time together tommorow morning... what about horseback riding?"
Paul stepped back and dipped his head,but his sigh indecated that he didn't believe that I was tired, "Okay lace, but at least let me give you a goodnight kiss."
The hurt in his eyes from my small rejection of affection still was his those beautiful eyes of his.
My heart was secretly melting a little bit.
"Sure, my prince."
I replied that in a very awkward voice,about with the same amount of fear as when I got a bit closer to Paul with two tiny footsteps.
I mean in like two years he will be my husband,just think about that for a while.
"You're terrified, aren't you?",Paul asked with a hint of humor in his voice,"Have you never kissed before?"
"With full honesty to you,no I have never with answering no."
I'm I'm being truthful about that,no has solved almost every awkward question that came my way.
"I don't want you to pass out so I will give you a small cheek kiss.",He laughed,his russian accent,deep.
Oh,my anxiety level just went down.
Paul closed his eyes and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek,his cologne smelled like the forest in the summer.
I put my hands around his shoulders as he pulled away.
Paul laughed, "Do you want a hug too?"
"Whatever prince charming!"