A mother's love

Marina was running trough the forest, her bare feets were cut, her white dress was torn and bloody, panting,her dark hair all a mess she was close to passing out but she couldn't stop, if she did she will die.

Marina: Not yet goddess, please give me some more strength.

She begged on her head while she run,in the distance she saw the lights of a cabin, behind her she could hear them getting closer if they catch her it will be the end. Finally she gets to the door of the cabin and trough the big window she spots a couple setting by the fire, they are cuddling and chatting happily, she can see that the woman is far along pregnant,Marie smiles and walks to the back door of the cabin, she bends over the back steps and there she gently sets the bundle that she has been carrying. A beautiful baby, of skin white as snow, deep ocean blue eyes and pink lips looks at her. Marina smiles and caresses the babys cheek .

Marina: I'm sorry that I have to go,but you are going to be safe here, remember that mom loves you now and forever.

Marina turned to go,she needs to run and keep her persecutors away from her daughter and the only hope of her kind. All drained of energy, with tears running down her face she looks at her daughter and told her " I name you Raven " ,and turning around she started running away from the cabin. A light shimmer surrounded the baby and the cabin so when the beasts passed it they didn't see it. Marina run until she couldn't do it anymore,her back to the hill she stopped and in front of her a pale creature looked at her. His eyes were red, his hair was white but instead of ugly it made him look like an angel .

Creature: Marina stop running, I'm here to help you, give me the baby.

Marina: Never, I don't believe you anymore.!

Tears running down her face looked at him full of anger.

Marina: How could you do this to us, you were my friend!

Holding a bundle to her chest she walked slowly backwards.

Marina: You will never have my daughter!.

And saying this she let her self fall down the cliff.


Back at the cabin :

Rose and Joseph were talking and looking to the fire when they heard a noise from outside the cabin.

Rose: Joseph do you hear that, what could it be?.

Joseph: Stay here, I will see what it is.

Joseph walked to the back door and when he opened the door what he found there shocked him.

Rose:Joseph what did you find?....Hunny?

without answering he walks back to her side and still shocked he shows her the bundle on his arms. Rose looked at the baby in his arms, it is such a beautiful baby.

Rose: How is this possible, where did this baby came from?.

Joseph: I don't know, there was nobody around and we are so

far away from anybody!.Here darling hold the baby, I'm going to get my bag and make sure that is in good health.

Rose looks at the baby in her arms and she feels so much warmth and love, smiling at her she takes her tiny hand.

Rose: Where do you come from little one, you are lucky that Joseph is a doctor, he will make sure that you are ok!.

At that moment Rose' s eyes get sleepy and in her dream she sees a beautiful woman by a cliff ,the woman is dressed in white, her dark hair is long and as black as the night ,her green eyes look at her with so much sadness.

Marina: Rose, she is yours now, please take care of her, her name is Raven and she is the only hope and light of my people, please love her for me. My blessings and the goddess blessings go with you and yours!.

A tear rolled down Marinas cheek and just like that Rose woke up,her face a mask of pain and holding Raven called for Joseph.

Rose: Joseph hurry I'm going to have the baby!!.