16 years later in the Morningstar house.
Rose:Girls is time for school!.
In the dining room Rose is waiting with breakfast ready for her beautiful daughters. Steps sounded coming down the stairs and a tall, curvy girl with blonde wavy hair and pale green eyes smiles to her,she has her mom's hair and her dad's eyes, behind her comes an equally tall girl, her hair so black that almost looks blue, her intense blue eyes are full of love for her mother and sister, all though she is not as curvy as her sister her long legs and way she walks makes her look like royalty, like a modern snow white. Setting at the table is Joseph,wish he stands up and huggs both girls, in that moment Rose walks to the table with a small cake in her hands and 16 candles.
Rose and Joseph: Happy Birthday Jade and Raven!!!.
Raven:Thank you mom and dad, you guys are the best.
Both girls hugg them and kiss their cheeks.
Jade:.Ok quick breakfast and we must go or we will be late.
with her bags on the backs the girls say there good byes.
All alone Joseph and Rose look at each other.
Rose: Do you think that what we did is
ok?, should we tell Raven the truth?.
Joseph: No matter what, Raven is our daughter,and we really don't know
much about her to tell her,no matter how much we try and got private investigator we never found nothing, we are so happy as a family that I'm afraid of things changing is she knows that we are not her real parents.
A total silence fall and both remember that fateful night when they found the baby and later Rose giving birth to Jade that same night, that night Joseph broke one of his biggest oats as a doctor, they both decided to lie and tell everybody that Rose has given birth to twins, they didn't know that by doing this they were going to be caught in a world of wish they didn't know existed.
At school.
The sisters are seated in a group of students and they are all happily chatting about the Halloween party of that night, it is a Friday and not hahaving school the next day makes them all happy. Lucy, a dark haired girl talks to Raven.
Lucy:So, are you going to go with Thomas to the party?
Everybody got quiet and waited for the answer.Thomas is one of the school hunks and pretty much any girl at school wanted to date him.
Raven: I don't know, I told him that I will see him there.
Lucy seemed disappointed about that but before she had time to say anything else the bell to start classes ring. Everyone stand up en started walking to class but before Raven could follow Jade stopped her.
Jade: What is wrong sister, I thought you liked Thomas?.
Raven: I don't know what is wrong, I feel like he is hiding something!.
Jade face got serious.
Jade: I always believe you Raven, u always seem to know this things, I'm always here for you.
Raven smiled and hugged Jade.
Raven:I am so lucky to have you Jade!.
Jade: And I to have you too.
And hand in hand they walked to class.
A rip on the vail
Jade:Come on Raven is time to go to the party or we will be there by the time is over!.
Raven:Always exaggerating.
Raven said while rolling her eyes, Rose looked at her babys, Jade was dressed in a beautiful green dress that matched her eyes and had fake sparkling wings making her look like a forest fairy and Raven was dressed in all black, a witches hat on and a gnarly tree branch made for her magic staff, but instead of looking like a cheese costume it made her look like the queen of al witches.
Rose: Wow my girls look so magical and beautiful, okay go to the party but be back before 12.
Both girls: Ok mom, see you later.
The girls left laughing and joking but Rose for some reason couldn't feel at ease ,it felt like something was wrong.