A rip on the vail part 2

Halloween party:

Everybody was having a great time at the party, the party was lively and all decorated spooky looking. Is was located in the school gim, with the center of the place left as a dancing area and around it were tables and chairs for the ones that wanted to rest, in the tables were snacks and drinks and the must popular drink was a punch, it was green and had some fake eye balls floating in it. Raven and Jade were surrounded by friends, they were laughing and admiring each others costumes when somebody taped Raven on her shoulder and everyone turned and admired the handsome cowboy in front of them. Thomas was indeed very handsome, his wavy blonde hair was covered by a fancy cowboy hat and his blue eyes looked kind and friendly. In his hands he had a couple of drinks wich he offered one of them to Raven, she didn't wanted to take it but because everyone was looking at her she did and politle thank it him.

Thomas:Hi everybody, my aren't you girls looking spooky and pretty tonight.

All the girls giggled but Jade and Raven only smiled. Thomas looked at Raven and something sinful showed in his eyes for a second, to fast that Raven though she had imagined it. The tone of the music changed and a soft romantic song played from the speakers.

Thomas:Raven,will you do me the honor of this dance?

Raven looked around her and her friends were saying yes and taking his hand she walked to the dance floor. Thomas was holding her a little to close for her taste, but besides that he was been a perfect gentleman.

Thomas: You know, you really look beautiful tonight Raven, I can't stop thinking about you, I think you must have bewitched me!

He said this while smiling warmly at her. Raven was confused, why was she feeling so strangely about him, he has always been nice to her and made it clear that was interested in her, but there was something telling her to stay away, maybe were the rumors of him been a playboy.

Thomas:Have you think about my question?,Will you be my girlfriend?

Raven:Thomas I....

Thomas: Wait, is too loud in here, why don't we go outside for a walk and talk.

Raven looked around her, it was very loud here with the music and she knew that she was going to be ok even if she went with him ,it was just outside and there were plenty people there too, ignoring the danger bells in her head she walked outside with him.

She followed him, not really paying attention to were they were going, just enjoying the fresh night and looking at the stars. It was a beautiful night, the full moon looked so close that she could almost touch it,Raven didn't know why, but she loved the night. She only stopped when she collided with Thomas's back and coming back from the world in her head she realized that they were in the forest near the school,close enough to see the shape of the school but far enough to not been seen from anybody....or bee heard.

Before she could think Thomas had her caged against a tree and forced a kiss on her. Raven struggle against him and after a few seconds wich felt like hours to her he let her go but kept her caged her with his body.

Thomas: I know you like me, why do you keep playing hard to get?.

Raven was shocked but then her shock turned to anger, she tried pushing him away but wasn't strong enough.

Raven:Let me go Thomas, I don't know what you may think but I'm not playing hard to get and after what you have done I will have nothing else to do with you,and I will let everyone know what kind of guy you are!.

Thomas face was a mask of anger, lifting his hand he slapped Raven on the face, it happened so fast that Raven didn't see it coming, the impact making her head hit the tree, leaving her disoriented and her vision a bit blurred. Next thing she knows Thomas is dragging her to the ground and is yelling at her.

Thomas: You hore, you think you can play with me,think you can seduce me with your smiles and then ignore me, I'm going to teach you tonight to play with a man, I'm going to make you mine and I'm going to recod this, if you tell anyone I will post the video, you are going to be my toy and when I'm done with you I'm going after your sister.