The truth revealed

A witch from another world.

Everybody was outside of the gim and Surrounded Thomas.

Thomas: Raven and I were just walking around the forest and suddenly she went crazy on me, she pushed me with super human strength and a weird light surrounded her and she conjured a wolf out of thin air!!!.

Everybody was shocked and they were whispering that Thomas was crazy ,from the group of people Jade walked to Thomas and grabbing his arm she shaked him.

Jade:Where is Raven Thomas?

He looked at the woods and pointed, Jade was just going to run the way he pointed but stopped when she saw the knight coming their way with Raven in his arms. She run to him and the boy slowly and very gently laid Raven on the floor with her head resting on Jade's lap.

Jade:What happened?.Who are you?.

Brian: Hi, my name is Brian and I'm a transfer student, I just happened to be walking close to the woods and I heard a cry for help, when I run there I found her in the floor and he was trying to take advantage of her but when he saw me he took of running, I was going to follow him and beat him up but I couldn't leave her there alone.

Thomas face was a mask of rage,nobody was going to call him a coward.

Thomas:That is not true, she just hit her head on the tree and then the wolf showed up and....

Thomas looked around and could see that nobody was believing him.

Jade: Lucy call an ambulance and the cops too, as soon as Raven wakes,we will find out the true.

Lucy nodded and walked a bit farther to make the call. Thomas seemed to understand the kind of trouble he was in and pretending to be upset he turned to go.

Thomas:I can believe you don't trust me, and are listening to this b***ch and to this a***hole.!

He turned to go, but a strong grip on his shoulder stopped him,without warning Thomas punched Brian on the face, everyone went quiet and looked at both boys and the fact that Brian didn't even moved from the punch. Suddenly Brian smiled and punched Thomas in the face making him crumble to the ground.

Brian:Thank you,since I saw the girl in the forest floor and you trying to abuse her I have been wanting to punch you.

In that moment Raven stirred in Jade 's lap and everyone surrounded the girls but just for a second Brian's eyes and Raven's meet and he smiled at her,to Raven it felt like lighting struck her and to him it was more like finally coming home.

Shadows from the forest looked at everything that happened and focused the most on Raven and Brian.


1000 miles away.

Luna was just taking a break from her work as a fortune teller in a carnival when her whole body started to shake and falling on her knees she covered her face with both hands, the vision swept through her so strongly and the call went to her. Once she felt better she run to her bosses and best friend side. Her red hair all a mes and her hazel eyes full of visions she grabbed Carmine by the hands.

Luna: Carmine I have to go, my goddess needs me,I will keep you posted of everything, take care, I love you!.

And just like that she was gone.


It was a hectic night, the girls parents were called and Raven was taken to the hospital, she only had a minor concussion and a few scratches, when she was interrogated she told them the whole story except for the encounter with the wolf since she wasn't sure it really happened, she didn't see the knight since by then she has passed out. When it was all over,her parents and sister left her to rest in the hospital room and outside meet Brian witch just wanted to stop by and find out about Raven.

Jade:Mom, dad this is Brian, he was the one who helped Raven.!!

Rose:Thank you very much young man, if it wasn't for you....

Tears rolled down her cheeks and she turned to Joseph witch hugged her.

Joseph shaked Brian 's hand and marvel at the strength he found on the boy.

Joseph:Thank you for everything you have done, our girls mean the world to us, if there's anything we can do for you just let us know.

Brian:No need to thank me, but could I go to your place tomorrow and visit her, I just want to introduce myself and make sure that she is ok.

The Morningstars looked at each other and although it was a normal request, they founded it a bit strange, but all agreed and saying good byes Brian left. Outside the hospital Brian 's cell ring.

Voice on it her?

Brian:Yes, nobody else could have rip the vail that way,I made it just in time to protect her, a little later and.....

Brian made a fist.

Brian: I told the police that I just moved here with my brother and uncle, I'm staying in the hotel now but find us a house with privacy and lots of space to train, I need you to make it here as soon as possible I feel like I was not the only one to make it thru the Vail. Make it happen Ryan!.

Ryan:Yes, yes don't worry..... You know that he will be coming for her.

Brian:I know, that is why you are going to tell Alec!

On the other side Ryan gasped.

Ryan:Are you sure bro?

Brian, Very, she is going to need our help.

Ryan:Ok, consider it done, See you soon.

Brian:The goddess go with you.

Ryan:And with you too.

In the hospital Raven is dreaming, in the dream she is dressed in white and is walking to a cliffs edge, she doesn't recognize the place but it feels like is very important to her, a warm breeze stirred her hair, she closed her eyes and laid her hand on the enormous wolf besides her.