The next day Raven was released from the hospital and went home, That afternoon Brian come over to see her. They all seated in the living room and everyone felt a bit awkward in the beginning.
Raven: Umm....I want to thank you Brian for saving me yesterday, I really don't know what to say, just that I'm very grateful. I never knew that Thomas could be that way.
She shocked her head.
Raven: What happened to Thomas?.
Joseph: He is out of the police station, because he is the Mayor's son we can't charge him even if he is18 and considered an adult, there are rumors that he was under the influence of drugs. He has been told to stay away from you ,but if I see him first you won't have to worry about him anymore!!!.
Raven:Please dad don't do nothing foolish, I don't want you to get in trouble!.
Brian clenched his fists, he didn't wanted to say nothing, he wanted to give Raven some more time, but protecting her come first and he couldn't do it thru lies.
Brian: Mr and Mrs Morningstars may I talk to you in private ?.
Joseph and Rose looked at each other.
Rose:Girls could you please go get some snacks and drinks for all of us?
Jade:Ah...yeah sure mom.
Standing up the girls walked out off the room.
In the kitchen the girls were talking .
Jade:What do you think they are talking about?
Raven:How will I know!!.
Jade:Wow isn't Brian handsome?,and I think he likes you, he kept looking at you the whole time!.
Raven's face was all red.
Raven:You are imagining things Jade!.
Jade smiled and Raven couldn't stop smiling either.
Back in the living room.
Brian took a deep breath and looked at Raven's parents.
Brian:I know that what I'm about to tell you will be hard,but please hear me out. I know that Raven is not your daughter!
Joseph and Rose were shocked and Rose grabbed Joseph's hand,but they both stayed quiet.
Brian:I know this because I knew Ravens mom and dad. We are not from here, we are from another place, in my world there is a prophecy about a girl borne from witches and beast man and that that babe will change our world for the best since she will bring us all together, nobody thought it was possible since witches and beast man have always been enemies but one day our king was injured and got separated from his knights and in the cave he took refuge he found a witch that was chained, she was a slave,he broke her chains and set her free and in return she healed him. In the time they spend together they fall in love and when the king returned home he made his witch the queen. This was a big change for the people, some were happy, some just got full of hate for the couple, a war broke out, some witches joined the beast man, some beast man joined the witches and we fought for years and then the prophecy became reality,the queen was pregnant,there was peace for a short time but the night she gave birth we got attacked, the king died protecting his wife and babe and the queen opened a rip on the vail and escaped here, latter we found out that the queen was dead, but the babe lived, we have been looking for her for 16 years.Yesterday when she got attacked her dormant powers awakened and that is how I ended up here. I know this is a lot to take in but the enemy is going to come for her, me and my people will protect her but she needs to know and she has to learn about her powers or she will die. Please help me protect her and tell her about who she is!.
Everything was quiet, just tears rolled down Rose's cheeks .
Brian:Will you please help me tell her?
Raven: No need, I just heard the whole thing!.
Raven looked furious, beside her Jade just looked shocked.
Raven:How dare you come over her and say all this nonsense?!.Saying that they are not my parents and that I have powers, ha, what powers you are talking about?
And waiving her hands around Raven let loose a fire ball that set a chair on fire.