Raven and Luna high fived ,the shield spell was working, but for how long thou,they looked at each other and nodded, Raven concentraded on her power and feeling it grow conjured two balls of flames, one on each hand, Malachi looked at her full of disdain and smiled, that fire trick was just a child's play. Not letting him bother her Raven aimed the fire at him and let it fly but instead of hitting Malachi it hit a wolf and bear beast instantly catching fire. Brian looked at her.
Brian: We need to work on your aim!.
Malachi had enough of games.
Malachi:Attack, kill them all!!.
The beast attacked, they seemed more crazy than before, they fought against the invisible barrier but couldn't get thru. Jade was just amazing, she was letting the arrows fly and hitting every target, it was like she had practiced all her life. Brian looked at his brother and Ryan just shrugged.
Ryan: She is a natural!.
Joseph was shooting but not doing much damage, the tricky shadow creatures were hard to kill, Luna and Raven kept using the fire and the brothers just sliced anything that got to the edge of the barrier, Raven though that they will make it, but then a cracking noise was heard and everybody froze, then the beast understood what was happening, the spell was weakening, the barrier was going to break. They all got back to the porch and got ready to fight until the end, Malachi was smiling but suddenly another sound was heard, the door to the cabin opened and thru the door a giant of a man come out, his hair was silver, he was closed to seventh feet tall all muscles and an angry looking face but what captivated Raven's attention were his eyes,so very much like her owns.
Ryan: Alec, thank the goddess you are here !!!.
The giant looked at Raven,he smiled at her and say " Let's go Home little one. "
And just like that they all disappeared.
Malachi screamed his anger.
Two years later:
It was a beautiful morning in the small town were Raven and her family have been for the last two years,it was a place protected by magic so Malachi couldn't find them, they were preparing an army, but were still too small to confront him. She had improved greatly in the last years, she was an excellent warrior and great powerful witch but there has been something that she hadn't been able to do and it was shift, she was supposed to be part shifter, so why couldn't she?.Her brother, oh yeah, she had found that Alec was her half brother (different mother), have told her that she was young, to give it some time. But she has heard the rumours about her been a fake and that made her mad. She knew the rumours came from Samara, she was an old flame of Brian's, she was jealous of Raven witch was not needed, since there was nothing going on with them, not because she didn't wanted,but because he didn't seem that interested. Raven was a bit confused about this, he was always very nice to her,in occasions he will hold her hand for a bit or softly move her hair behind her ear but as soon as he did something like that he will stop and put some distance in between them. Raven has seen love blossom with her sister and friend Luna, the ease going Ryan have surprised Jade on their 17 birthday with his declaration of love and she had accepted, now her sister was dating and she was practicing magics and fighting . She has seen how Luna and her brother looked at each other and it made her very happy that the people closes to her were happy. Her mom and dad were always busy at the new build hospital, learning about healing plants from the healers and teaching them also about new medicine.
Alec surprised her with some of her mom's diarys and in them she had learned more about Malachi,they used to be friends but one day she found him torturing a young shifter and using the darkest of magics he ripped the soul of the poor boy and converted him into a shadow beast, making him a puppet .
This made Marina very mad and she broke up the engagement and try to leave but he made her his prisoner. She also talked about her dad and how she had falled in love with him, talked about her days with him and finding out about been pregnant, about her love for her, and this made Raven cry. In the last diary she found a letter dedicated to her, in it her mom told her about powers, about been a shifter and about her been the future of her people. Her mother has told her to look inside her self for her animal spirit, that she will find it there and when she did, to touch her animal and make a contract. What contract?, that was not how Brian or Alec had explained it to her, they said that she will see her animal spirit and by touching it will become one with them, but nothing about a contract. Whenever she has tried to find her animal spirit all she has seen was darkness. Shrugging her shoulders she walked to her favorite place in this world. It was a small cliff overlooking the ocean, and seated besides Brian.
Brian: Ok ,ready to try to find your beast again?.
Raven: Yes.
Brian: Remember, patience and keep calm.
Raven nodded and closing her eyes looked deep inside her self and again all she could see was darkness, but instead of getting mad and quitting she just calmed down and try something that she hadn't done before, she talked to the darkness.
Raven: Hello, my name is Raven and I will like to meet you please, don't be shy!.
Something in the darkness moved .....no,the whole darkness moved and a giant head come down to look at her.
Animal: My lady, we have been waiting for you. Will you make a contract with us?.
Raven smiled,and put her hand on the animals head. From the corner of her eyes she saw something move behind the animal, something very colorful, but she paid again attention to the animal in front of her and looking into its eyes give it her answer.
Raven: Yes.
When Raven opened her eyes she saw Brian looking at her surprised.
Raven: What, what is wrong ?
By saying that she moved around trying to see her self and that is when she discovered that she had feathers, and she was big,like Brian hight,also all black. She had shifted, she was a raven. The nearby ravens on the trees took off flying, some landed next to her and others flyed far letting all animals know that their queen had arrived.
Raven was so happy, it took her a while to go back to her human form but she managed and with Brian in tow, plus a few real ravens, ( they seemed to follow her everywhere now), she told her family and friends, wish decided to make it a celebration that night. Suddenly an alarm was sounded and everyone got to the plaza to find the problem.
A soldier looked at Alec and reported.
Soldier: My Lord one of our raiding partys found a small group of Malachi's soldiers a few miles away and we attacked them, and also found that they were transporting slaves, when we asked the slaves were they are from they told us from a different world so we have bring them here.
Raven: Bring them in, let me see them.
Soldier: Yes my lady.
Few minutes later a group of six people got to the plaza,they were skinny and dirty looking and clearly terrified , there were 4 girls and 2 boys. Raven gasped, this were the girls that had disappeared from her town and even more shocking was to find Thomas among them, the man in the group looked familiar, but she couldn't remember from were.
When Thomas saw her,he thru himself at her feets.
Thomas: Raven, Raven please help us, we have been slaves for so long, we just want to go back home.
Raven got down on her knees and helped Thomas to his fleets.
Raven: Is ok Thomas, you are safe now, you all are safe. We will help you.
Luna gasped, her face turning ashen.
Luna: He is coming, we are all doomed!!!.
And in that moment of distraction the man that come on the slave group grabbed a sword from a nearby soldier and attacked Raven but before he could kill her Brian jumped in front of her and the sword run him thru.
Instantly the man was attacked and brought down by her brother, she remembered him now, he was a custodian at her school, but there was something wrong with him, her witches powers let her see the shadows that lived inside of him. She kneeled besides Brian, she didn't needed to be a doctor to know that his injury was serious, if she didn't do something she was going to lose him. Malachi and his soldiers entered the plaza, there were so many of them. Everything was chaos around her, the soldiers were fighting around her, her sister, Luna,everybody was fighting ,but she could only stay there with Brian and watch him die. Without even noticing tears runned down her cheeks and falled on Brian's body, he wiped her tears.
Brian: Don't cry for me Raven, it has been so wonderful to have you in my life even if I never got the chance to make you my mate.
Raven: Your mate, I didn't thought you felt that way about me!!.
Brian smiled at her.
Brian: I love you Raven, I loved you from the first moment I saw you.
Raven closed her eyes, she couldn't let this happen, she couldn't loose the man she loved and the people she cared about. There was this voice inside of her calling her name and she focused on it,she was back at the place were she met the spirit animal. In front of her was a very beautiful bird, her feathers were colorful and it was an animal like nothing she has ever seen before .
Animal: Please my lady, hurry and make a contract with me.
Raven walked closer to the animal and laid her hand on the animals head.
Malachi walked to the middle of the plaza and smiled at what he saw, the beast people were losing and there in the ground, crying was the girl that was supposed to be the most powerful been in this world.
Malachi: Now you see that you should have been my ally Raven, if would have listened to me this situation could have been avoided.
Raven eyes opened and smiling at Brian she kissed him.
"I love you ", she wispered to him.
Then she let his hand go and standing up she confronted Malachi.
Raven: You are never going to win, even if I die this people will keep fighting.
Malachi: Join me Raven, or die. And watching them all die.
Raven: I will never join you.
And saying this she trowed a ball of flames at at him but he deflected it with a wave of his hand,and sended a ball of flames at her.
Everybody froze, the battle stopped and Raven's family screamed her name.
Raven 's body burned so fast that all there was left were ashes.
Malachi laughed, a mad laugh that made all of them shiver, even his own soldiers.
Malachi: Bow to me and your life will be spared!.
He said this looking at the army of shifter and specially at Alec.
Alec: We will never surrender, let's fight to the death. For Raven!!!
He screamed this and his soldiers and brothers in arms screamed it too.
Soldiers: For Raven!!!!!
Suddenly there was a stirr in the air and everyone watched surprised a beautiful bird emerge from the ashes of Raven's body ,in that moment Brian got up from the floor, his wounds healed, the bird looked at Brian with the same eyes of Raven and everyone knew that that was the girl. Their Queen.
Raven: Malachi, for your crimes I sentence you to death.
And saying that her whole body caught fire and the beautiful phoenix burned Malachi to ashes.
The enemy troupes splitted in two, the ones that at seen their leader dead
surrendered and others that were just evil and wanted to take over this world decided to keep in fighting, even with this, the enemys were too many to take over, but a surprise came from the sky. Ravens, many of them started attacking the enemy and also more phoenixs birds showed up and with their help they won the war.
Brian runned to Raven's side and with a shimmer of magic she became human again. Brian took her in his arms and spinned her around, then putting her gently back in the ground he kneeled in front of her.
When Raven looked around her everyone was doing the same.
Raven: Please stand up.
Alec: From now on Raven, you are our Queen. Long live the Queen!!!!
Everybody: Long live the Queen!!!.
Brian got up from the ground and taking Raven in his arms he kissed her.
10 Years latter:
Lucas and his friend were looking at the old cabin from a far distance,they were both 10 years old and lately had been very interested in scary stories.
Lucas: So they said that the whole family disappeared in this cabin, and other people from town too and were never found. Some people say that the cabin in haunted and every Halloween a ghost comes out of the cabin and roams the cliffts.
Lucas friend: Today is Halloween!
Lucas: Exactly, we should wait and see if is true.!!!
The boys were getting hungry and bored of waiting and were just talking about leaving when the wind around the place picked up, the ravens in the trees started croaking and the door of the cabin opened. A beautiful woman come out of the place, but what got the kids running for their lifes from fear was the giant grey wolf that come out with her.
Raven and Brian walked to the cliff, a small breeze ruffled Raven's hair and she smiled, laying her hand on Brian's head she gave thanks to her mother.
She looked at the love of her life,her mate.
Raven: Let's go Home, they are waiting for us. Maybe next time we can bring the kids over!.
The horrified look he gave her made her laugh, it was true that the twins were very mischievous. Together they walked back to the cabin and got back to their world.
The end.