For the next few days Raven would train to learn how to fight With Brian and Ryan and learn about her powers and how to control it with Luna. They have all discussed and agreed that they could not stay in this world, in this world Malachi will have the advantage since he controlled the witches and he could open many portals that will bring many armies and dangers, not only to Raven and her family, but also to the human world. Raven watched Brian talk to his people in another world thru something that at first glance looked like a cellphone, and make plans about opening a portal so they could all go Home. She guessed it was her home since she was born there. She tried talking to her family about staying here, since she didn't wanted them to be in anymore danger, but they all refused, her mom and dad told her that if she was going to fight this war they will be right there with her, after all her dad was a doctor and her mom a nurse witch made them good war allys and Jade just plainly refused and although she didn't feel like she could be very useful to any of them right now she promised to herself to find something she could do to help. One day after Ryan was done teaching Raven how to shoot a bow ( his area of expertise),and was walking towards the house he found Jade seating on the grass, her face looked sad, so he stopped and kneeling down he looked at her.
Ryan:Is everything ok Jade?
Jade looked at him and god was he handsome, it has been a month since she has meet him, but to her it felt like have known him her whole life .He was kind and funny and oh so sexy,but he always treated her like a sister, she wanted to be more than that to him. Shaking her head she drove the thoughts away.
Jade: I'm just feeling so useless right now, mom and dad are packing medical supplies, Luna is reading spells and all kind of witchi stuff, Raven and you guys are training end I'm just....
She stopped talking when a brilliant idea occurred to her and she smiled brightly to Ryan.
Brian: Again!!.
Raven jumped and run through the obstacle course, at the end of it she dropped to her knees panting.
Brian: You are too slow, you have to be quicker!. Again.
Raven: I can't, I just can't.
Brian: Yes you can, because if you don't, you will die in battle and all will be lost ,your parents died to save you, and if we don't win your other parents will die too,but not just them, your sister and everyone that gets in the way of Malachi, and the ones that don't die will become nothing better that slaves.
Raven was angry, how could he treat her that way, didn't he understands that just a month ago she didn't know about all this, she has lived like a normal girl, never had to train for war. She felt her power build inside of her but remembering what Luna have taught her ,she tempered down her power and using the energy that her anger and power had giving her she run and jumped again.
Brian: Good job!. Instead of losing your temper and blasting me with your power you used the energy to train. That was very impressive, I think you will be a great warrior.!!
Raven smiled.
And saying this she went through the obstacle course two more times
They received the news that in two days time a portal will open and they will be able to travel. Since Luna will be the only one in the group that nobody in town will recognize she was entrusted with the task of getting supplies. Her trip to town was a good one, she managed to find the shops that she needed to go to, quickly and in her way back she stopped to grab some fast food, it will probably be the last one they will have for whom knows when. Getting back in the van she drived out of town and didn't realize that she was been followed.
That evening while sharing a meal Rose and Joseph told them about how they have meet ,they were all laughing and having a good time witch made the girls talk about the small cabin in the woods, the one were Raven was found and Rose had Jade. They have only been there once or twice before since work always made family vacations short and far apart.
Rose: I can't believe that I didn't remember, our cabin is only 10 km away from here.
Raven: Oh mom maybe we should go there tomorrow before we leave, I don't remember the place too well, it has been five years since we have been there.
Rose looked at Joseph and he nodded.
Rose: Well if it is ok with everyone?
Brian: I will love to see the place.
Everybody nodded.
Brian: Ok then is settled, tomorrow is our last day here, in the morning we will be going to the cabin and return in the afternoon, so we better have everything packed tonight.
They all agreed and went their separate ways to finish packing. It was an early night for everyone,Raven was exhausted between the magic training end the physical one she was completely drained. She had just finished packing and was laying in bed when her bedroom door was opened and Luna walked in looking very scared.
Luna: They are coming, many of them, we have to go!!!.
Quickly dressing, both girls hurriedly got everyone up and went to the van, packing it with all the stuff they needed.
Luna: Change of plans, we go tonight to the cabin, there should be enough power left behind there by Raven 's mom to keep us safe until the portal opens.
Everybody agreed and getting in the van they drove to the cabin.
One hour later Malachi was at the empty place, he was furious, how come they were always a step ahead of them, it must be that witch, not the girl, although she has a lot of power but still untapped, no this was the human witch and she possessed a very strong premonition power, he smiled, he wanted that power for himself.
Malachi: Find them, they can't be far.!!!
The shadow beast sniffed the air and took off running in various directions.
In the cabin everyone was quiet, their situation was not good,they needed to get out of here fast, if they stayed and fight, they were all going to die. Brian was trying to contact his people but the sooner that they could open the portal was going to be in the afternoon that day. Luna has worked the residual magic from Marina and managed to make the cabin invisible protecting them but the magic will only hold until noon, many hours before the portal will open and although Raven had opened a portal thru the vail before it had happened as an accident, she didn't know how to do it. So instead of trying to rip the vail again, she and Luna started working on a different spell, one that if worked it may give them the time they needed.
They were all tired but had the breakfast that Rose had made,"no sense to fight with an empty stomach ", she had said. Raven and Luna were done casting the spell and now just prayed for it to work. It was almost noon before the first shadow beasts appeared, everyone in the cabin saw them but thanks to the spell they couldn't been seen, yet. Suddenly the spell broke and an angry shadow bear, eyes looking a little mad spotted the cabin, he growled alerting the rest of the beasts. The shadows surrounded the place but none attacked. Then a man come out from the shadows, he was tall and handsome and from the way he walked very much in charge.
Brian and Ryan walked out off the door and standed in the porch of the cabin.
The brothers got their swords out, they were very special swords, they have been enchanted by Raven's mom, they could kill the shadow beasts with ease even when they were in the shadow form, beside them Joseph joined them,he had an old rifle with him.
Joseph: I'm not much of a hunter but my granddad was,and taught me how to shoot.
Both brothers nodded in thanks to him.
Raven come out next and Luna besides her, Jade come out with a bow and arrows in her hands and that surprised everyone but Ryan, Rose was the last one to come out.
The handsome stranger walked a little closer but not enough for Brian to be able to take his head with his sword.
Malachi: Beautiful Raven, we finally meet.
Raven: Malachi I assume?
Malachi: At your service my lady. I offer you all a truce, come with me Raven, be my queen and all here will be spared.
He give her a loving smile and Brian's body tensed but Ryan hold him back. Brian nodded, they needed to keep him talking, they needed more time. Raven seemed to understand this too.
Raven: Why do you want me to be your queen?. Do you love me?.
This question took Malachi by surprise. But then he smiled again.
Malachi: I loved your mother very much and you look so much like your mother. I'm sure that I can make you love me, I will give you all the power and everything you desire.
Raven: What happened between you and my mom?.
Malachi looked sad for a minute.
Malachi: We were childhood sweethearts and were going to get married, but one day she decided that she didn't love me anymore and even try to kill me,so with much sorrow I had to punish her, but it was going to be only until she understood her mistake, but she got kidnapped by this barbarians and brainwashed.
He shaked his head at this.
Malachi: Come with me Raven, you are a witch, you belong with your people, you belong with me.
Raven couldn't do this anymore, couldn't keep her anger down anymore.
Raven: My people, really?, the same people that think they are so superior that can treat others like animals just because they are different?.How can I belong with you after what you did to my mother?.The way I see it you are the beast not them.!!
She said that looking at the brothers and both smiled to her.
Raven: My father helped my mother scape you and then treated her with love and respect ,that are my people now and you and the ones that are like you,will never be.
Malachi was furious and his face was a mask of anger.
Malachi: Since you have decided then there is no reason to keep you alive.I will drag your body to the cliff were your mother died, you will join her there.
He gave her an evil smile and with a wave of his hand sended his beast on them.
Malachi: Kill them all!!.
The first beast jumped to attack but instead of getting near them he smacked against an invisible wall..