After Lena brought Tina to her car, she went to work. She was in a very bad mood, and it was very obvious, so much that Artemis asked her about it.
However, Lena refused to say anything about what happened.
Finally, work ended, and Lena's mood did not improve in the slightest. In fact, it got worse.
She got into her car to drive home, but changed her mind. There was no difference between here and there if James was not in either place, so she got out of the car and decided to walk around.
Strangely enough, this time she ran into a similar situation as the last time she went on a walk. She was completely surrounded by men.
However, this time, it seemed like there were far less men than normal, And she felt oddly confident and calm standing surrounded by them.
She thought that this group looked strangely weak, at least in comparison to the group last time. She felt like she could somehow get herself out of the situation, without having to use words.
Moreover, she really wanted to vent her emotions. They were bothering her all day, and now suddenly a group of people appeared who were willing to be her punching bags.
So of course, she waited a minute for the first guy to come up to her. He did not think she was a threat. Once he was close enough to attack her, she kicked him.