My Purpose and Her Purpose

"You know Chloe... if my sister consumed your life feather she would benefit tremendously..."

"... What do you want Queen Lillith?" Chloe said warily to Lillica in her mind.

"Oh... so many things... but from you, I'd like to keep this book for now. You can let Agi in if you leave out the contents in this book I'm assuming? Oh, and call me Lillica, I am a queen no more, and Agi doesn't need to know that detail yet."

"...Well... it's not against the agreement, but he's going to be disappointed in what is left here without it."

Lillica walked over to the bookshelf again and started looking through the different texts. "Demons and Angels Appendix, True History of Agistania, Divine Blade Arts, Dark Blade Arts... Yes, just exposing him to all of these will confuse poor Agi... I'll take a few more to give to him later."

Lillica took the 2 historic references related to demonic and angelic realms, the Dark Blade Arts book, and the True History of Agistania.

"These 4 books are a little dangerous for him now..." Lillica disappeared with the books, she returned to her room with them and placed the 4 books on top of the wardrobe for now. While not the best hiding spot, it would do for now she thought. Lillica then returned to the study and suggest that Chloe can let Agist in now.

Count Agist had been pacing outside the study, trying not to be impatient. Fortunately his patience was rewarded as the door to the study suddenly creaked open.

Lillica stood in the doorway, leaning seductively against the door frame and said, "We came to an agreement, you can come in now my dear Count!" Lillica then bowed deeply in front of Count Agist, exposing her deep cleavage for him.

"Good job Lillica! I honestly expected you to say the same thing, that I wasn't ready yet." Count Agist said excitedly as he tried to brush past Lillica.

Lillica shot her arm out and blocked his path through the door. "Does that mean I get a reward sweetie?"

"I don't know what I could possibly have that you would want that I'd be willing to give!"

"I can think of something..." Lillica reached up with her other arm and draped them both around Count Agist's shoulders then inspected him provocatively from head to toe, lingering on his crotch.

"I don't... I mean... uhm..." Count Agist became flustered slightly, he wasn't used to women frankly, and Lillica loved to take advantage of this.

"I just want a kiss silly! Now who's the perverted one!"

Count Agist nodded, then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Don't kiss me like your family, kiss me like I'm your lover and you are about to head off to war or I will close this door." Lillica said with a hint of impatience.

Count Agist nodded again, then moved in slowly, he had kissed women before, but none that he felt anything for. While he wasn't sure if he liked her or hated her, love and hate were very similar to each other.

When he was mere inches from her lips with his, he noticed that her face seemed to blush slightly to. "Is she excited about this as well or is she just messing with me again?" Count Agist thought to himself, "I need to stop thinking..."

Count Agist finally kissed Lillica on the lips, softly and gently how he imagined how he would kiss his lover, he let there lips linger together as he felt Lillica wrap her arms around his neck and hold him tight. He didn't resist but instead wrapped his arms around her waist, then let her slip her tongue into his mouth. He felt himself heat up and his whole body ached for something more, his hands reached up her back and started clawing at her skin and felt like he wanted to tear her clothes off.

Suddenly Lillica backed away, put her finger on Count Agist's lips, then smiled at Count Agist. "Mmm... that was what I wanted sweetie, but don't get carried away... yet..."

Count Agist felt a little anxious after kissing her, but he remembered that the study was now open so he turned to enter the study after smiling back at Lillica.

"So... who or what was blocking me from entering?"

"Agi sweetie, look down."

Count Agist looked down and saw a note scribbled on a table in front of him, it was his Dad's handwriting!

"Siegfried, if you are reading this, then it is time you learn of our family's past, the good and the evil. Remove the amulet from the door, it will protect you and guide you. You must be the one to restore Agistania! Your trainer, Jaros Corvo, can help. He will be your mentor and ally in my stead.

If Siegfried Agist is not reading this and has already passed on, then I pray for the fate of Feldland. Duke Melvin Agist"

Count Agist thought to himself "Our family's past? What more is there? I already planned on restoring Agistania, and Jaros Corvo? I've never heard of this man. Let's get the amulet first, not sure how it will guide me."

Count Agist looked at the door and saw a plain circular amulet hanging from it, one that he had seen his father wearing all of the time, even while he slept, but he thought it was buried with his father. He pulled it off the hook and held it for a second, then twisted the face and pressed the button to open it.

"A white feather?" Count Agist muttered to himself. Count Agist pulled out the feather and inspected it, then saw Lillica looking at it intently.

"Is this feather something special?" Count Agist asked Lillica.

"It is very special, and very beneficial to demons, I can control myself but Lorraina might not be able to. Keep it in that amulet at all times and put the damn thing on, this room is starting to make me uncomfortable."

"You don't have to stay, but I would appreciate it if you did." Count Agist put the feather back in the amulet and locked it shut again.

"Aw, do you miss me when we're apart sweetie?" Lillica walked over to Count Agist with smile on her face, her hips swaying back and forth seductively with each step. She took the amulet out of Count Agist's hands and hung it around his neck then held both of his hands.

"Don't mind me, I'm just going to listen in." Lillica said.

"Listen in?" Count Agist said slightly confused.

"SIEGFRIED AGIST! Never remove my feather!!! Especially with a demon nearby!!!" a female voice screamed in his head so loud it caused both him and Lillica to wince.

"I'm sorry?" Count Agist was used to this sort of mental communication thank to Lillica and Simon, but having it suddenly scream at him like that was a little much.

"My apologies Siegfried, you just don't understand the importance of that feather!"

"Enlighten me then before you scream like that."

"I am Chloe, an Angel-kin, or just Angel. I am to be entrusted to the seventh son of Agistania's bloodline, which is you. I am needed to break the curse to stop the rise of Demon General Lucius."

"Seventh generation? I'm only the sixth, does that mean you're going to wait for me to have a son?"

"Ignores the part about stopping the rise of the Demon General Lucius, fixates on the part about generations, Chloe, you have your work cut out for you." Lillica whispered playfully in Count Agist's head.

"That was my next question!"

"You are actually the seventh son, but historically you are the sixth since the first only went by the name Agist."

"How can I stop a Demon General, why would I need to, and what part do you play?"

"One at a time! Ummm, demons die the same way humans do, just damage them enough and the die. You need to because he is building up his strength to conquer this realm. I am the one that can stop the curse to prevent him from gaining more power."

"What curse?"

"Agist's first son made a deal with Lucius, in exchange for power, Lucius would take the souls of his firstborn son and the firstborn sons of any son from then on. King Agist thought he could fool him if he had a daughter, but the demon cursed his family line to never give birth to a daughter as one daughter would break the chain of sacrificed souls."

"So if I died wouldn't it also be over?"

"That's what only has delayed the issue due to your human's shortsightedness, if you die, he just finds another source. He has a link to this realm still somewhere and even if we destroy it, he can build another."

"Well, thanks for dumping this all on me..."

"I tried to tell her you weren't ready yet, but Lillica disagreed."

"Sorry Chloe, his purpose happens to coincide with my purpose, plus I have a feeling if we wait until he is ready it will be too late."

"So you finally reveal what your goal is Lillica?"

Lillica's eyes started to glow brighter and she appeared angry for the first time in front of Count Agist. He felt his hands start to get hot while holding Lillica's hands, "Yes, my goal, is to destroy Lucius!"