Count Agist was a little surprised that such a simple reason was what drove Lillica forward. "So did you already know something about this Lillica and that's why you knew to come to me?"
"Honestly no, but this helps my situation so I am willing to help you in return." Lillica said with a smile then squeezed Count Agist's hands reassuringly.
"Would you be able to tell me about what happened?"
"I don't know… it is very complicated…" Lillica said somewhat passively, which seemed a little unnatural for her.
"What happened in the past won't change who you are now, I'll still be on your side." Count Agist said with a smile.
A huge smile came across Lillica's face and she pulled herself close to Count Agist and kissed him. "I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me! I'll tell you about it later!" Lillica said then left in a hurry.
Count Agist stood there in a slight daze. They had kissed earlier, but it wasn't nearly as natural and unforced as that one just now making it feel different… enjoyable even.
Chloe chimed in suddenly, "Don't worry, even I find her attractive."
Count Agist almost burst out laughing, "How can you even see?"
"I can see through your eyes, so even though she tries to hide her form I can still see her for the demon she is."
"Simon says he can see even behind me, can you?"
"Of course not, I can only share your senses. I am not strong enough to reform my own body anymore and that is for the best as our bodies degrade quickly in this realm."
"Oh Ok, so if I take off this amulet you'll stop talking and can't see what I see?"
Count Agist could hear Chloe's trepidation in her voice and chuckled to himself, "Don't worry, I was just messing with you! I get it though. I should wear it as often as I can."
"Please do, especially as you get older."
"Ok, so what should I do now and how can I find Jaros Corvo?"
"I am your guide, not a walkthrough! Restore Agistania to its former glory and train like your life depends upon it!"
"Well, I thought Lillica and Lorraina were useless when I first met them and they proved me wrong, hopefully you do the same!" Count Agist started to speak aloud as his conversation with Chloe was going nowhere at this point and he was starting to get impatient with everyone leaving him in the dark.
"Lillica's sister, although not related by blood."
"You have two demons hanging around here?! Any others I should worry about?"
Count Agist laughed slightly and said "No, Lorraina is actually very sweet and kind to those she likes and even my men seem to enjoy her company."
Lorraina and Isadora were walking down the hall towards Count Agists room. Lorraina was feeling happy wearing a maid's outfit as it was something new to her, even the work felt new and exciting.
As they were passing the study, they heard Count Agist say "...Lorraina is actually very sweet and kind to those she likes and even my men seem to enjoy her company."
Lorraina became visibly excited and then peeked around the corner to see what Count Agist was doing. Seeing he was just standing their talking to nothing, she was a little perplexed but that didn't stop her from stepping in to the study with a big smile on her face saying, "Agi! I knew you liked me too!"
Lorraina then draped her arms over Count Agist's shoulders and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Huh?!? Who are..." Count Agist was confused at first since he never expected a maid to call him 'Agi' nor just suddenly kiss him on the cheek, but seeing her light purple skin he remembered that Lorraina was going to help Isadora. "...oh, Lorraina! I'm sorry, wasn't expecting you!"
Isadora turned towards the study and saw Lorraina draping herself on Count Agist and felt a little envious that Lorraina could be that open. "Milord, my apologies, we were making our way towards your bedroom to begin cleaning."
Count Agist looked at Isadora worriedly, she still looked pale and he could tell she was forcing herself to keep up. "Isadora, are you ok? Dion would kill me if anything were to happen to you."
"I am fine milord, just a little tired."
A tiny guilty expression flashed on Lorraina's face for a moment, but she recovered quickly and said, "Don't worry Agi! I'm doing all of the heavy work for her! Today she get's to use me however she wants!" Lorraina made sure to emphasize 'however' and then winked at Isadora.
Isadora blushed a little and she wasn't sure why, but she was indeed grateful to Lorraina. "Indeed milord, Lorraina has been very helpful and a very good friend to me."
Count Agist looked at Isadora, then at Lorraina, and then back at Isadora. He nodded, smiled slightly and said, "Well, I'm glad you get along."
"Shall we clean this room too milord? I don't remember this door ever being open." Isadora asked as she looked around curiously in the study.
"Nay, this room will still be off limits until I can go through it, I have much to do so I'm going to lock it again for now." Count Agist gestured to Isadora and Lorraina to leave the study and then he walked out and closed the door to the study.
Isadora and Lorraina were both resisting the urge to laugh as they watched Count Agist stare dumbfoundedly at the door as it didn't want to stay shut even.
Count Agist saw the door latching mechanism that Lillica had torn out sitting on the ground and realized he actually couldn't lock the door now even if he wanted to.
Chloe's voice whispered in his head "Hold it closed and push my amulet against it for a moment for me to lock it. It won't be nearly as powerful as leaving me with it, but it will stop normal humans from getting in."
Count Agist nodded and pushed the door closed then pressed the amulet against the door. After a second, Count Agist stepped away from it then pushed on the door and was satisfied when it didn't move.
Isadora turned back and went to pick up the bucket with the rags in it, forgetting that Lorraina had been carrying it all this time. She put her usual amount of heft on it and suddenly felt extremely light-headed and tripped on her own feet as cold sweat appeared on her forehead.
"Isadora!" Lorraina was the first to react as she knelt down to help Isadora.
"Isadora, just take the rest of the day off..." Count Agist said solemnly.
"But milord..." Isadora wanted to argue and was proud for never missing a day from her duties.
"Then consider it a direct request by me that you rest in your room today instead of taking the day off."
"That's..." Isadora couldn't think of an argument against that as it was an order.
Lorraina smiled at Isadora then had a mischievous smile cross her face. "Agi, carry her back to her room so she can't escape!"
Without waiting for Isadora to say anything, Count Agist swept Isadora off of her feet and carried her Princess-style back to her room, causing her to blush intensely.
"Do you have a fever Isadora?" Count Agist said when he noticed her red face and then he touched his forehead to hers as his hands were full carrying her which caused her eyes to widen and to blush even harder.
"Doesn't seem like it, just a little moist from the cold sweat earlier."
Lorraina was loving this, she was cheering for Isadora silently and then thought of another idea. Lorraina whispered to Count Agist, "Hey, want to give her some of your energy? She'll get better in no time."
Count Agist looked at Lorraina and nodded.
"Ok, um... she should fall asleep right away, just say you will stay with her until she does, then I'll tell you what to do from there."
Count Agist nodded again and carried Isadora into her own room when Lorraina opened the door for them.
"Your Prince has carried you to your bed Princess!" Lorraina said loudly when Count Agist placed Isadora on the bed.
Isadora turned away from Count Agist and Lorraina as she felt like she was about to melt with embarrassment thanks to Lorraina, although she was a little disappointed Count Agist didn't seem bothered by it and instead he just glared at Lorraina.
"I'll wait for you to go to sleep." Count Agist said gently.
Isadora didn't even bother to acknowledge him as she did feel extremely tired.
After a few seconds Lorraina nodded at Count Agist and said, "Ok, she's asleep, now just touch her skin somewhere, doesn't matter where."
Count Agist sat at the edge of her bed, reached under the covers and held her ankle, "Now what?"
"Just relax Agi, let yourself succumb to sleep, I can't force people to sleep, oh, and take your shirt off first, the more skin contact you and I have the faster this goes." Lorraina was actually lying about that part as the tiny amount of magic she would take from Agist could be done in mere seconds even with just a hand, but she wanted to give Isadora a little present.
Count Agist didn't think anything of it and took of his shirt then held Isadora's ankle again and let himself relax. He started to feel unnaturally tired and his instincts started to warn him that he shouldn't let himself fall for it. After a minute of calming himself, his body finally relaxed and he let his mind drift off to sleep.
Lorraina saw that Count Agist finally fell asleep so she took off the maid's outfit and then sat naked on Count Agist's lap. Originally, she was going to make it quick but she couldn't help herself and wanted to have some fun.
Count Agist opened his eyes and saw Isadora laying naked on his own bed without any covers, he was naked as well and started to get confused and thought maybe Lorraina was playing a prank on him. He tried to yell for her but nothing came out of his mouth and he heard Lorraina whisper somewhere from behind him that Isadora was cold.
Count Agist's body moved on its own as it laid down next to Isadora and held her from behind. Count Agist realized he was probably in a dream as he remembered he had left her in her bed and not his.
"Relax Agi, go with the flow and this will be easier for me." Count Agist heard Lorraina whisper again. He felt like Lorraina was right behind him and turned to look behind himself but saw nobody.
"Do you want me instead?" Lorraina whispered teasingly, when he turned back to look at the bed, instead of Isadora he saw Lorraina laying completely naked on her side with her head propped up with her hand, her beautiful body fully exposed before him.
"Sis would be mad at me though, but this is technically not real so... just don't resist me."
Count Agist had never slept with a woman, and the only things he knew about were what he heard from the other knights, his friends, and occasionally read about in some of Morgan's books.
Count Agist felt like he was a passenger in his body, but he could still experience everything his body was doing.
Lorraina stood up from the bed and walked over to Count Agist. "Still thinking about her too... I guess we all can have fun then!"
Count Agist looked at the bed again and saw Isadora was laying in the bed in the same position as Lorraina was moments ago.
"Aren't you a greedy one, wanting both of us at once..." Lorraina said with a smile. "How about we both serve you at the same time then."
Count Agist sat down in his bed with his head propped up on a pile of pillows, in front of him Isadora and Lorraina stood with their arms around each other's waists.
"Shall we?" Lorraina whispered softly to Isadora.
Isadora didn't say a word but nodded her head, then both Isadora and Lorraina knelt on the bed, Lorraina next to one of his thighs and Isadora the other.
Count Agist's breathing became heavy with anticipation as he watched as both Isadora and Lorraina ran their fingers up and down his naked body, they both looked down at his cock and saw that it was already hard and throbbing.
"Mmm, it looks so big and delicious, don't you agree Isadora?" Lorraina said seductively.
Isadora nodded then leaned down and gave Count Agist's thick shaft a long slow lick.
Count Agist was surprised when he heard himself moan but was to absorbed in the sensation of Isadora's tongue on his cock. He felt his mind explode when he watched Lorraina lean down and lick his cock at the same time as Isadora.
Count Agist's mouth hung open with each moan and his leg's started to twitch each time Isadora or Lorraina licked his cock. His hips started to buck when Isadora opened her mouth wide and then took his entire cock in her mouth as best she could.
Due to the length of his cock, Isadora barely managed half of his cock.
"Mmm, it is perfect just as it is..." Lorraina leaned forward and whispered to Count Agist while Isadora continued sucking his cock.
Lorraina watched Isadora continue to swallow Count Agist's cock over and over, each time watching her be able to get just a little bit deeper than the last time before gagging. Lorraina kissed Isadora on the cheek then leaned down below Isadora and sucked one of Count Agist's balls into her mouth.
Count Agist gripped the bed hard, almost tearing the sheets as the combination of Isadora sucking his shaft while Lorraina sucked on his balls was too much for him when he's never had this sort of thing before.
Count Agist felt something well up inside of him, like it wanted to explode, explode out of his cock.
"Sorry Agi, we can't finish you or sis will get mad."
Count Agist didn't know exactly what to expect but he felt very very frustrated.
Lillica had calmed down and went to look for Count Agist again to help him make sense of what he just learned, but she was very surprised to pass by Isadora's room and find Isadora, Lorraina, and Count Agist together.
Isadora appeared to be asleep in the bed, Count Agist was sitting on the side of the bed with one hand under the covers, his shirt off, and his pants were pulled down slightly. Lorraina was naked and had started grinding her pussy up and down the shaft of Count Agist's hard cock and wasn't paying attention to what was around her.
Lillica felt very angry seeing Lorraina like this and yelled, "What are you doing?!"