The Best Birthday Present Pt. 4

"Mini BOSSes in the second altercation? Interesting," Ye Xiu said quietly in surprise, but I still heard him.

This dragon was a mini BOSS? No wonder it was so hard to kill! A Mini-BOSS had around a fourth of the health of a regular dungeon BOSS, whereas a normal trash mob had maybe a sixteenth or even less. What an ingenious and horrible surprise for a level ten dungeon! They weren't thinking of all the noobs who would lose their lives from lack of basic dungeon knowledge when they created this place. I was already feeling sorry for the unwise that would stumble through.

"That's it, I'm not spinning my wheels any longer. Sister Su, and you, Moon boy, duck again, I'm coming through," Huang Shaotian shouted.

We flattened ourselves to the ground, and Ultimate Trash Talk leaped over us. He tucked his feet up and ducked his head as he went so he wouldn't kick us or slam his head against the ceiling. Huang Shaotian used Falling Light Blade, causing Ultimate Trash Talk to drop quickly, slamming his sword into the head of the dragon. Light flashed from the ability, lighting up the area bright enough that I had to squint at my screen.

I knew that if I were going to get another chance to attack, I'd have to find the opportunities myself. I watched Ultimate Trash Talk's moves. He ducked, and Su Mucheng's Launcher shot at the Mini-BOSS in perfect sync with Huang Shaotian. With a nod of determination, I slid smoothly into their rotation of skills.

Ultimate Trash Talk jumped backward to avoid the dragon's sharp teeth as it snapped at his arms, and I slid under his feet and the dragon's jaw to stab upwards with my Ninja Blade. Then I rolled back, throwing out a Shuriken to stun the dragon while we switched places. Huang Shaotian leaped over me and followed up with a Lunge, stabbing the dragon's snout twice, and pushing the beast backward.

This time I leaped over Ultimate Trash Talk and slashed multiple times before doing a backward flip. Huang Shaotian slid under my feet to hit the dragon over and over. Laughter in the wind hadn't been idle during this time either. She used every Launcher skill she could, finding openings that showed how much of a Pro she really was.

In no time, we'd brought the dragon to red blood, enraging the beast. Its feathered mane shuddered and glowed red, and two smoky plumes wafted up from its nostrils. It hissed then made a hacking sound, and a ball of fire jettisoned from its mouth.

"Down!" Ye Xiu ordered, and once again, we flattened ourselves to the ground.

I was starting to become a little bit too acquainted with the dips and rises of this particular spot of cavern floor. The fireball flew over our heads and crashed into the other dragon. It didn't do any damage to its buddy, but at least it didn't hit any of us in the process.

We all hopped up and continued fighting, dashing to the floor anytime Lord Happy yelled at us. This fight was surely one that depended on hand speed. Of course, if we'd had a standard group with a healer, this wouldn't have been much of a workout.

"I'm getting really tired of only being able to swing my sword up and down. Do you think they made it this way on purpose just to mess with Blade Masters and other sword wielders? I mean, think about it, is there another class that's at a worse advantage? Maybe Battle Mages, but at least you guys have a longer reach," Huang Shaotian babbled as we fought.

"Either way, it's a pain," Unrivaled Pain said through gritted teeth, obviously annoyed at the lack of room.

I agreed with her, this might be the worst part of any dungeon in the history of all Glory dungeons! Maybe. Depending on the rest of the new content, of course. And with those thoughts circling in my mind, we finished off the two Mini BOSSes.

"Not bad," Ye Xiu said as he collected the loot.

I looked at his screen and watched his mouse hover over the items. Three were crafting items, Dragon Feather, Dragon Scale, and Dragon Bone. The last was a piece of blue level gear, The Sight of Darkness. It was a badge that, when worn, would give you a +1 to agility and allow the wearer to be able to see pitch dark places as low lighted areas, low lighted areas as mid lit, and so on. Apparently, there would be many more dark places in this dungeon.

"Too bad it's level ten. This would be rather useful, I think," Ye Xiu said with a shrug.

"Someone will be able to wear it by the time we finish, though," I replied. We were only a couple of levels below, so it wouldn't take long for all of our characters to hit ten.

"True enough," he said and gave me the piece of equipment.

"But I wasn't trying to-" I started, embarrassed that he might think I was begging for the piece of gear.

He waved me off before I could finish, "Who else would use that?"

Oh. He had a point. Maybe Huang Shaotian could have used it in my place, but before I could offer it to him, Ultimate Trash Talk was walking away complaining about how stingy this new level ten dungeon was, and how it gave them junk from the Mini BOSSes. No wonder Ye Xiu gave it to me!

"Let's hurry to the first real Boss, I want a challenge," Tang Rou said with determination, and so we all followed, making good time clearing the trash mobs.

Just when I thought we'd never reach the first Boss, the cave rumbled and shook. I had to maneuver my character deftly to keep it from falling down.

The entrance to this part of the cave collapsed, shutting off our only avenue of escape. A mighty roar echoed through this giant cavern, and a massive Wyvern named Acid descended from the upper reaches of the cave.

Once again, I fervently wished we had a healer with us!