it all begins

I'm the first to land followed by Decon and Hina holy shit this is beautiful Decon says with excitement not knowing of the dangers soon to come should we do some test to see if the air is breathable asked Hina, cautionary I say wait for the others ummm are they suppose to be flaming chunks of metal Decon asked stupidly, well of course not Decon you dumbass, THIS IS OMEGA 9 I'M HIT, shit we need to get out of here ASAP I scream jumping out of my mech as I help Hina out of hers yo Decon you need help? I ask no I'll be fine go now as me and Hina grab our gear and make a run for it a rocket heading towards Decon GET OUT OF THERE NOW DECON I scream over the radio, unfortunately Decon's mech is hit by the rocket no I cry burying my tearful face into Hina's shoulder Hina runs her fingers through my hair, he risked his life to buy us enough time to escape now let's find the rest of the team they're all dead a voice close by says I hold my gun ready to shoot come out now and out comes a beautiful gray just to be safe I aim for her head and scream angrily I want answers now! My name is Xia and the the rocket that killed your friend was of Reptilian design she says with her hands up signaling that she isn't a threat my dad can fill you in back at base we're not coming with you I say readying to shoot Xia I'm not the enemy she says almost in tears, I'm on your side here I look at her yeah how do I know that? Well cause I'm trying to take you to my dad who has been fighting this war since 2041 along with a Martian named Allan Solberg. But before we go I need to know your names I'm Lolly Yao and this my girlfriend Hina Goddard, nice to meet you Xia says with a smile and what was your friends name asked Xia, fighting back the tears I manage to say it, Decon Wong me and Hina grew up with him you would have liked him, I'm very sorry about your loss Xia says sadly you can't let him die in vain like that when we get to base we'll eat and then get you two settled then go over how we are going to fuck up those reptilian rocket terents sounds good to me I say looking at Hina, as we kiss Hina holds my hand as we walk through the woods for the first time ever, it's beautiful eh Xia says well except parts that are under reptilian control yeah it is Hina says looking at me so how long have you guys been dating Xia ask since grade 5 I answer, that's interesting says Xia I had a partner once unfortunately she got ripped apart by a mauler I spent nights on end awake crying because I missed her, Xia said so why were humans forced of earth if we were fighting together? I ask, the reptilians almost wiped your race out in 2069 Xia said so we told them to come back when they have enough people to rejoin the fight I only know because my dad told me stories about the human/gray alliance and how strong it was. Look we're here Xia says welcome to Fort Myers home of the human/gray alliance shockingly it has never been attacked by the reptilians and hopefully never will Xia says , now let's go get some food Hina says smiling for the first time since landing this way Xia says pointing to the mess hall, after we eat Xia leads us to a building this is where soldiers stay since this war began it's beautiful I say in awe, it was made by both humans and grays I'll show you two to your room, thanks I say hugging Xia you're welcome sleep well you two we have a big day tomorrow.