Chaos and misery

Awaken by the bluring of an alarm Hina wakes up what's going on? I grab my gun and hand Hina hers we're under attack I shout no time to get dressed as we join Xia and a few other soldiers in nothing but our bra and panties how long ago did they attack? I ask firing away, about 5 minutes ago Xia says almost crying but mostly enraged, shit harvester screams one soldier get out of here now I'll fight it off go after the terrents got it says Xia grabbing Hina and I. How are we going to shut them down I ask Xia who looks to be in an unpleasant mood, I don't fucking know but I'm going to kill every single reptilian that gets in my way Xia screams about to cry what happened I ask, my dad is dead because of those fucking worthless pieces of shit they shot him and he turned to ash right in front of me , I'm lucky I got to cover when I did or I'd end up like my dad, I'm sorry I said putting my arm around her we'll make them pay for your dad and Decon, thanks she said wiping the tears from her face it's just the three of us for now hopefully we can make there and out alive Hina says looking around I agree babe I said spotting something in the a tree, what is that Xia says I think it's a part of Decon's mech but how is it in one piece? Hina says I don't know and I don't think we wanna find out I said starting to worry (our 5th day on Earth) wait is that Decon waving at us says Hina then all the sudden Xia fires at Decon WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU I scream at Xia after shooting Decon, that's not your real friend she says they can trick you like that that's how they kill you you should be thanking me damnit I can't afford anyone else dying today Xia says crying, me and Hina sit down by Xia and lay our hands on her arms I promise no one else will die today I mean it I said rubbing my eyes, I hope you're right Lolly I really hope we shut down the terrents and kill some reptilians but for now we make camp and continue our mission tomorrow sounds like a plan to us I said speaking for me and Hina who fell asleep holding Xias arm, don't worry Xia like I said earlier we're make them pay for your dad and Decon I said falling asleep on Hina's lap.