Payback for the fallen

Waking up I see Xia scoping the area what are you doing? I ask, looking for a route that will get us there faster Xia says oh by the way just so you know I think they might be expecting us so we'll need a way to sneak past security, how do we do that? I ask, your watch is a cloaking and stealth device, Xia says with a smile on her face I sit up rubbing my eyes when do we go? I ask, well as soon as Hina wakes up Xia says I try to wake up Hina but she just rolls over and puts her arm on my lap HINA WAKE UP! I scream Hina opens her eyes why did you wake me up Yao, I was having a dream that this war was over,well we need to prepare to attack the reptilian base and how will we do that babe Hina asked, our watches are a cloaking and stealth device so we're have a advantage on those useless pieces of shit and hopefully shut down those damn turrets. And who told you about the watches babe Hina asked I did! said Xia well that's cool said Hina well now that Hina is awake, yeah what are we waiting for Hina says looking for the rest of her gear um babe our gear is over there I point smiling at Hina WELL LET'S GO KILL SOME LIZARDS FOR DECON!!!! Hina yells getting her gear on,HELL YEAH I say gearing up FOR THE FALLEN Xia yells raising her gun in the air we activate the devices and proceed to the base hey Yao it looks like we're not here alone Hina says yeah whoever it is I hope they are on our side Xia says I nod in agreement as we continue to head to the base I'm so scared babe says Hina they can't see us babe I say, but I can says a deep voice, WHO ARE YOU!? I scream full of rage, calm down Young Yao DECON HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?!? I ask, long story I'll tell you and Hina when we are finished fucking the reptilians up, also who's the grey Decon asked my names Xia well nice to meet you Xia, Decon says smiling I'm not going anywhere until you tell us how the fuck you survived Hina says pointing her gun at Decon, alright I'll tell you I saw the the rocket coming so I ejected and I knocked myself out waking up in a human/grey base camp how did you guys get out of there Decon asked, YO Xia says jumping up and down, haha you're so damn cute Xia Decon says laughing, well thanks Xia says rubbing the back of her neck, can we go already Hina says YES!!! Decon says I know where the turrets are at where are they at Xia ask fellow me Decon says. We enter the area SHIT there's a lizard Hina says well shoot it Hina I say hiding my laughter BANG I look at Hina what? Hina asked with a smile on her face, nice shot I say kissing her not in front of the cute grey Decon says stop it Decon Xia says blushing well let's go Hina says I want to blow this place to hell, agreed I say following her as we reach the place the turret control is at do you know how to shut it down Decon? I ask I do says Xia, how ask Decon ummmm says Xia I'm part reptilian why didn't you tell us, I asked I was scared to says Hina my parents were killed by the reptilians during a attack on a reptilian base tell us more later let's shut down those turrets and blow this place to hell Hina says alright let's do this as Xia shuts down the turrets and activates the self destruct system let's get the fuck out of here says Decon yes let's go I say, as we walk out the base blows up I look at Hina who is smiling you seem happy I say playing with Hina's hair oh by the way you humans and greys are stupid says Decon point his gun at Xia Decon what are you doing dude? because I'm not the real Decon you see I'm... BANG! YOU'RE A DEAD LIZARD screams Hina woah says Xia I'm glad I'm on your side, Hina turns around with a smile on her face sorry if I scared you Xia, shall we go back the base says Xia I agree as I grab Hinas hand and kisses her neck, as we return to the base we are greeted to a hero's welcome time to rest Xia says smiling.