A time to relax

As we meet with our captain we are ordered to take time off after destroying the reptilian base along with the turrets so me and Hina walk out tired hey what are guys going to do during our break Lolly asked Xia I don't know probably just spend some one on one time with Hina awwwe that's sweet Lolly says Xia with a smile you two are really adorable together mind if I ask what lead you two to date Xia ask, Hina looks at me as if she is about to cry my dad would always rape me and Decon and Lolly were my only friends Lolly was allowed to our living area but Decon wasn't and one day I was trying to take a shower and my dad busted in and tried to rape me but Lolly ran in and knocked him out I was in tears and she just held me telling me everything is gonna be ok and she'll always be there for me, awe that was sweet of her to do that Xia says smiling ever since we never left each other's side I say petting Hina I have kept her safe since then but now she seems like she's becoming a true badass after seeing what she did today it makes me happy to see her be that brave, So what are you going to do Xia? ask Hina. Well I'm most likely going to go swimming at a nearby lake, would you two like to join me? Xia ask we would love to but we don't have swimsuits I have a couple of swimsuits you two can have Xia says wait really? Hina asked with excitement grabbing my arm very tightly come on babe let's go Xia is gonna give swimsuits, I look at Hina and kiss her fine you win babe, YAY THANK YOU BABYGIRL Hina shouts kissing me all over, you're the best Hina says well you two are very adorable together I wish I had someone like you Lolly maybe you can Xia Hina says, never mind that for now LET'S GO SWIMMING Xia jumps up and down shouting I look at Hina and whisper she's just so damn adorable in her ear are you talking about me Xia says crossing her arms yes Hina says Lolly called you adorable I hide my face embarrassment I look up and see Xia looking at me smiling um Xia what are you doing how would you feel if I kissed Lolly asked Xia hmm I don't know Xia maybe kiss you says Hina with a her very red, I look at Xia and Hina and I kiss Xia Hina chuckles well now I gotta share you now Hina says , is a problem Hina asked Xia no I mean ummm I love you Xia says Hina when are we going swimming I ask NOW says Xia fellow me, we get to Xia's appointment and she goes to her room but keeps her door opened Hina sticks her head into Xia's room as she takes off the bra and panties, HEY THERE SEXY LADY shouts Hina AHHHHH Xia screams and jumps you scared me babe I stand behind Hina laughing why don't you two come in here and change to me and Hina walk in and take off our clothes and Xia hands us each a bikini put those on and let's go Xia says looking at me and Hina smiling you two are very sexy Xia says tying up her bikini top I look at Hina and then at Xia THANKS BABE Hina shouts as she forces herself to tie my bikini top I look at Hina and say I could do it myself you know yes but I wanted to do it for you babe Hina says with puppy dog eyes I run my fingers through Hina's hair sorry for getting snappy towards you babe it's fine Hina says kissing me well let's go. As we get to the lake Xia push me and Hina into the water hey Hina yells pulling Xia into the water as we all laugh together we stay there for hours until we get back and get some sleep.