Gently Dying

Gently Dying

History6 Chapters22.1K Views
Author: hoodwinked
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Somehow, it's not until he's staring at the cold corpse of his Empress that he realizes what he's lost. And somehow, it's not until he's running into the nursery that he remembers their daughter is dead. It's like he's waking up from a dream, only to find himself in a nightmare of his own creation.

If only that woman hadn't enchanted him, if only he hadn't met her...

Or: In which Emperor Jian Li finds himself reborn five years before his Empress' death, in the body of a sister he previously didn't have.

He fully intends to murder his former self.

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Author here! I thought I'd clarify a few things (and give myself a great rating). First off, this is a very angst-ridden novel (I should probably add that to the tags...) and things do get worse before they get better. Jian Li is severely grief-stricken and it shows. However, I don't really consider it a spoiler when I tell you it'll have a happy end. Secondly, though it has GL in the tags, that's mostly for safety. Jian Li's new body after rebirth is female (that's where the gender bender tag comes in), but he's always going to think of himself as male. He's a man, he just so happens to be trapped in a female body. Honestly, there's basically no angst about gender, because Jian Li could literally not care less. His biological gender has no meaning to him. Thirdly, the romance is slow, yes, but this is pure romance. It's a love story. Fourthly, there's no harem in this. As a rule, I really can't stomach harems, unless it's done tastefully. And unfortunately, that's rare. It's 1V1 all the way. Fifth, Jian Li is reborn as Jian Yi, but that means there's another Jian Li in the novel. He's yet to be introduced, but it's an understatement to say that Jian Li hates the younger (more foolish) version of himself. Whether there'll actually be any murder attempts is a surprise. Sixth, times between updates can vary dramatically because I have rheumatism in over a dozen joints, including all my fingers and both my wrists, but I'll never abandon this. I actually plan to publish this when it's complete (and been thoroughly edited) so I'm very excited. If you have any questions (or want to correct something I've gotten wrong historywise) you can always hit me up on tumblr: jezekielslab or on twitter: fantasy_death Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it!

5 years ago