Chapter 21

Weiss immediately stood up and walked to the center of the classroom. "Excuse me." she said walking past Port and out of the room.

"Wait, where is Weiss going?"

"She's most likely leaving to get her weapon from her locker." Ren informed me. "Students are strongly discouraged to carry their weapons around campus unless necessary. This leads to fewer accidents."

"Ah, so that's how it is." I yawned and leaned back in my chair, head tilting backward. As I opened my eyes I saw an upside-down Pyrrha and her team.

'Oh yeah, they're in this class too. Shoot, I've already forgotten the names of her team since I've hadn't seen them before.' still tilted backward, I briefly scanned their faces. 'What's going on? Those three didn't exist in the show.'

Well, actually it's possible they DID exist. RWBY tends to follow, well...RWBY, so it makes sense there are other huntsmen at this academy I don't know.

"Psst, Jaune." I lightly elbowed the teammate next to me to get his attention.

Jaune was happily grinning. "You excited to see Weiss fight too Aero?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I pointed to one of the shadow people. "The person over there, what do you see?"

Jaune looked at the person I was pointing to and then back at me. "That's just a girl." he said with a shrug.

"Describe her."

Jaune gave me an odd expression before glancing back at the girl to memorize her features. "She has sandy brown hair reaching just a little below her chin. Her eyes are a dark orange-red." he leaned against his hand. "Why'd you want me to describe her?"

I ignored Jaune's question, glancing at the one he was looking at. 'No matter how I look at it, all I can see is some weird black human-looking shadow...'

Soon after, Weiss came back no longer in her school uniform, but a frilly bluish-white 'battleskirt' as she would put it, and matching platform boots. She stood at the ready, her weapon held forward with a single hand, her expression cold and focused. Growls continued to come from the large metal container as it shook.

"Gooooo Weiss!" Yang cheered, her teammates following suit.

"Fight well!"

"Yeah! Show that thing not to mess with Team RWBY!" Ruby yelled, cupping her hands to her mouth like a megaphone.

Weiss glanced over with an annoyed expression at Ruby. "Be quiet Ruby! I'm concentrating!"

Ruby seemed to wither slightly. "Sorry."

Port raised his rifle/ax over his head. "And let the match...begin!" he announced, slicing the lock on the cage revealing a boar-like grimm. The Boarbatusk roared before barreling out of the crate at Weiss.

Weiss let out a snort, pushing with one of her legs, spinning herself to the side, and slashing at the grimm as it ran past her. Unfortunately, the weapon didn't seem to be able to do much as the grimm didn't even flinch. Circling back around, the boarbatusk stopped in front of Weiss readying for another charge.

"Haha." Port laughed merrily, still idly standing by the cage. "Wasn't expecting that were you?"

Ignoring Port, Weiss shot forward towards the charging grimm with a lunge, she almost seeming to be gliding with the way she moved.

"You got this Weiss!" Ruby shouted.

Weiss turned her head to say something, when the boarbatusk tossed its head, the tusks in front of it parrying Weiss's rapier and flinging the weapon out of the distracted girl's grasp. Weiss gasped in surprise and turned back to the grimm as it flailed its head once more, smacking the heiress back and causing her to slam into the desk in front of Ruby. Weiss's hairband seemed to have become undone and her hair splayed out in front of her face. Briefly pushing one of her locks aside, Weiss spotted the grimm charging at her and managed to roll to the side to avoid the attack as the boar grimm smacked into the desk and briefly lost balance. Taking this opportunity, Weiss ran out and retrieved her fallen weapon just as the boarbatusk recovered and turned its attention towards her.

"Weiss!" Ruby called. "Go for it's-"

I've seen Weiss mad before, but never like this. I can't think of a word fitting enough to describe just how furious she looked, as Ruby once more shouted advice to someone who obviously did not want it. Enraged, wrathful, livid, apoplectic, none of these words seemed to be able to do Weiss justice. With her face slightly pink, and her hair wild, you could no longer see the calm, proper princess from before.

"ENOUGH!" Weiss almost screamed, stabbing Myrtenaster into the ground. A wave of icicles roared towards the boarbatusk, skewering its unprotected belly and causing it to let out a pitiful squeal. She stood up and turned around, no longer bothering with the dead grimm and leaving the classroom. With a small swish of her weapon, the icicles immediately shattered and disappeared.

"Oho! Now there's a huntress who knows how to take charge!" Port said proudly as Weiss stormed out.

Jaune looked at the retreating Weiss with a confused expression. "What's the deal with her?"

"Good question." I know this is where Weiss was supposed to be mad, but I don't remember her having this much venom.

"Alright then!" Port said, oblivious to the situation. "Be sure to study well, and I' will see you next time."

"Weiss! Wait!" Ruby scrambled out of her chair and bolted after her. Hmm, maybe I'd better go too...

"Guys, I'm gonna take care of something for a second."

"Aero wait." Nora called enthusiastically. What are team stuff are we gonna do for today?"

"This'll just take a sec, go ahead and meet me just outside the forested area and bring your weapons. I'll catch up." I said running down the hall to catch up with the upset Schnee.

"Hey! Hey princess, you alright?"

Weiss whirled around. "Ruby thought I told you to go's you." she muttered.

"Heh, nice to see you too. You doing alright?"

Crossing her arms with a 'Hmph' Weiss gave me a bemused expression. "You're supposed to be psychic, you tell me."

"Okay, then no. You're not alright."

"How very perceptive you are..."

"I'm trying to help. You're mad because Ruby was picked to be the leader right?"

Weiss's eyes immediately widened, a little surprised I hit the nail on the head. As if throwing gasoline onto a dying fire, she immediately flared up.

"And why shouldn't I be?! How could Ozpin put her in charge? Ruby is the exact opposite of a leader! She's reckless, she's childish, she's impatient, she's a klutz, and she COMPLETELY unprofessional!"

"What, so you should have been put in charge?"

"Of course I should have!"

"Sure, because right now you're acting like the pinnacle of maturity, huh?"

The white-haired princess looked like she was about to say something, but she couldn't seem to think of a retort. She stood there silent for a moment before shaking her head. "It doesn't matter. Ruby's little stunts back there very nearly got us all killed in the Emerald Forest."

Ah, I think I understand now. In the exam, Ruby was with Yang this time instead of Weiss. Ruby and Weiss didn't get a chance to talk and get used to each other after the two bad first impressions they had. Not to mention that means Weiss hung around Blake during the exam. BLAKE. Ms. Calm, quiet and efficient. Of course Ruby would look far less competent when comparing the two of them. I can see why she'd be upset.

Weiss tapped her foot while wearing a thoughtful expression. "You wanted to help right?"

"Yes..." Why did she suddenly change her mind? I don't like this...

"Tell me a way to have Ruby removed as the team leader."

"W-wait, hold o-"

"You know how to fix this." Weiss interrupted, putting her hands on her hips, slightly leaning forward and facing me with an impatient look. "So do your psychic stuff and tell me how!"

'Crap, she doesn't look she's gonna take no for an answer. I gotta distract her.'

"So..." I said, putting my hands in my pockets and putting on a smile. "Are you SURE you want to know about the future?"

Weiss's expression faltered for a moment. "Why wouldn't I want to know?"

" reason." I replied casually shrugging. "It's just that, well, I'm not sure you'd like what you find out and...oh dear, I've said too much."

"H-hold on!" Weiss looked visibly shaken. "Why wouldn't I like what's in my future? Tell me!"

'Hook, line, and sinker...'

"Well..." I said slowly, watching as Weiss hung on my every syllable. "You...end up getting married to Jaune."

The color drained from Weiss's already pale face and her pupils shrunk. She dropped to her knees and raised two fists into the air. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" A mournful cry echoed out through the empty halls. Weiss slumped forward with her head lowered in defeat. Silence overtook the two of us until...

"Ha...ha ha."

"Huh?" she looked up as I snickered, futilely trying to hold off the flood of laughter.

"Aha ha ha ha ha ha!" The dam eventually burst and I laughed and snorted, still holding my sides. The confusion on Weiss's face becoming ever more apparent.

"W-why are you laughing!?"

"Ha ha...I was just messing with you. You don't end up marrying Jaune." I said wiping away a tear.

"You..." Weiss rose to her feet, storming up to me and pounding on my chest.

"Ow! Hey! Quit it!"

"YOU! ARE! THE! WORST!" she growled, battering me harder with each word.

"O-okay! I get it! I give up!"