Hey, I know this is kind of obvious, but Professor Port talks...like a lot. Let me explain.
Me and the rest of team ARJN quickly hurried across the schoolyard after realizing how late it was. Cutting through the grass, leaping over fences, doing anything we could to make it to class on time. Craning my neck, I could just barely see Team RWBY ahead of us, apparently in the same predicament. The very second Ruby and her team made it to the classroom, the tardy bell rang.
"Cheer up guys, it's not that bad." I reassured them. "This is the first day of class, I'm sure Port will take it easy on you."
Well...I was right. My teammates were fine...I wasn't.
Professor Port spent the next two minutes lecturing me in front of the class on how: 'A true team leader is more diligent when managing his team.' While pretending to listen to his rant, I discretely snuck looks around the classroom I'd seen on the show. The professor stood at the front of the class. Behind him were various detailed sketches of various grimm. To his left was...oh good grief, he has a statue of himself. It's like Professor Port is his own biggest fan. I swear, the only reason he let me go was because I reminded him the more time he spent talking about me, the less time he'd have to talk about himself.
"That's rough..."
"Took one for the team..."
Jaune and Nora gave sympathetic looks on my way back to my seat.
"Alright class, open your notebooks and lend me your ears!"
At his words, the rest of the students pulled out their notebooks and writing utensils. I quickly opened the suitcase next to me hoping not to make a scene.
"Dang it, I knew I should've gone and unpacked! Come on, there's gotta be something in here to write on! This freaking suitcase weighs a ton!" While digging around, my hand fished out an old brick-colored notebook. "Whatever, beggars can't be choosers."
"Now you may be tested on everything mentioned so pay attention. Our story begins when my father..."
'Dang it, slow down!'
I noticed with mild irritation that page after page of this notebook had already been filled in. I must've turned over a hundred pages and there still wasn't been a blank piece I could see. Frustrated, I went to the last page of the notebook, and something caught my attention. The very last page was blank, save for a couple of sentences in the center.
"This last page is for future me. After everything you've experienced, everything you've written, what has changed about you? Are you the same as before? I'd like to think I've become a better, wiser person since my first entry. I can hardly wait to reach this last page and look back, but I suppose that just makes it all the more exciting when I do."
"No way..."
"But of course, that wasn't my aunt at all!" Port continued in the background. "Imagine my shock when..."
I quickly flipped over to the beginning of the notebook to see what it said.
Entry #1
"Hello journal, seems I'll be writing in you from...ugh. I really don't see why I'm doing this, mom seems to think keeping track of my thoughts will be a worthwhile experience. Whatever, if a week passes and I still don't like it then I'm free to go. Anyway, today was..."
This isn't a notebook...it's a journal.
Entry #7
"I hate to admit it, but this journal thing is finally rubbing off on me. The details of my day, my own personal experiences, they're all safe in here from prying eyes."
I lightly winced at those words before continuing.
"This journal lets me go back and revisit days of my life. It's really fascinating because it's almost like I'm not the person who wrote this. I can see myself from an outside perspective and even remember events that I'd forgot. Now of course this doesn't mean-"
"And that's why I decided my weapon would be an ax. Now then, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..."
After skimming over a few sections, my eyes stopped on a particular journal entry.
"A good way to do this is to hold the front of the spear with your left hand and your right on the back. As the attack comes, move the spear to the right of the attack and carefully match its speed. If done carefully, you can parry the attack and use the momentum to slam the opponent with the back of the weapon to briefly stun them."
Sweet heavens above, there IS a god...
"This journal has spear lessons!"
"Wha?" I shook my head snapping out of my reading, before seeing Port giving me a stern glance.
"Aero, were you listening to my lecture?"
"O-of course I was!"
"Good." the professor said giving his beard a light stroke. "Then you won't mind repeating what I just said."
Dang it, I gotta stop getting chewed out before my reputation goes down the crapper.
"You said uh, you said..."
"I'm waiting Aero."
"You said...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah."
The class went silent as professor Port took a step forward, I gulped as his massive eyebrows scrunched together, like two dragons ready to attack as he studied me. All of the sudden his expression softened and he gave me a small nod.
"Very good Aero, just making sure you were paying attention." Port turned his attention to the rest of the class.
"Now as I was saying, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah is exactly what we might as well sound like to the grimm. So far there has been absolutely no success in peaceful communication between the two of our species. So far it seems the grimm's only desire is to destroy all sentient life. Yes, they really are...Monsters! Demons! Prowlers of the night. Yes the creatures of grimm have many names. But a skilled huntsman such as myself merely refers to them as prey!"
Port let out a cheerful shout at his own joke, rousing Ruby from her sleep. Unfortunately, he seemed to be the only one who found his joke funny. Lightly coughing, he continued.
"And you shall too, upon graduating from an academy such as this! Now, as I was saying:" With his arms behind his back, Port lightly strolled around the front of the room. "Vale, including the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love absolutely nothing more than to tear you all to pieces! And that's where we come in."
Oh shoot, I remember this part. This is where Port winks at Yang. I know he doesn't mean anything by it, but it's creepy in more ways than one.
"Huntman! Huntresses!"
As professor Port readied his finger gun and his oversized brows began the monumental effort of lifting themselves off of his face, my hand shot up.
Port stopped and looked at me with a surprised expression. "Yes?"
"I was just wondering, we've heard about your father, but what about the striking huntsman who's teaching our class right now?"
"An excellent question!" Port said happily. "What better shining example of the ideal huntsman is there other than myself?" Port cleared his throat "The story of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy..."
As Port droned on, I noticed Ruby giggling, drawing something on a piece of paper and holding it up. Immediately eliciting giggles from Blake and Yang. Weiss for her part looked a little ticked off.
The four of them quickly straightened up as Port gave them a stern look, making sure he had their attention.
"In the end, the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!" he gave a dramatic bow before continuing. "The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honorable!"
Ruby was too busy playing around to listen. Balancing an apple on a book with her pencil held only by her finger while making a silly face. And while I was impressed at that amazing level of coordination. Weiss definitely didn't appreciate it.
"A true Huntsman must be dependable!"
"A true Huntsman must be strategic!"
"And wise!"
With every sentence from Port, I saw Weiss's face before more and more angry. Finally reaching a point where she was actually SHAKING with fury. Nora lightly elbowed me, holding up her notebook in front of her as a makeshift shield as Mount Weiss threatened to erupt. "She's gonna explode..." Nora whispered, looking at the white-haired student.
"So, who among you students believe themselves to be the embodiment of traits such as these?"
Immediately Weiss's hand shot up and she stood to her feet. "I do, sir!"
"An immediate volunteer. I do believe the future of this class is bright." Port said proudly. "Very well, come forth..."
He gestured to a cage which was rattling back and forth, emitting low growls.
"...and face your opponent."