The First Gods

The gods all have their own unique characteristics, I didn't want to get confused by having them all be in-corporeal white light, then I wouldn't know who was who off the top of my head.

So I started by giving them all a physical form. For Maria I gave her long flowing green hair, that seemed to glisten in the light, and calm in the darkness of night. With a long Daoist robe that I decided would be better with some stitches of flowers embroidered in.

For Asaria, I gave him an old monk robe and long flowing black hair with a little pocket for some reading glasses embroidered to the chest. This simplicity alone was enough for me, as he was not supposed to be anything magnificent and grand, they were gods, I simply gave them the clothes I decided on, I wouldn't tell them to keep them.

Jamil was up next. I gave him a body purple in color with messy hair that covered his eyes. I then gave him a tall wide hat, which was accompanied by tattered clothes and an old over jacket that was torn at the bottom. For his shoes, I gave him none, and for his hands, I gave him a one-hand glove that had runes engraved in it with the official language of the gods.

Then there was Brill, the god of the wild. For him, I gave toned skin and a muscular body, and the legs of a great black bear, I gave him a cloth made from strings of mana densely packed together, this he wrapped around his waist to distinct between the man and beast. He had wildly shot back hair that was orange in color, with eyes so sharp they would send shivers down even a dragon.

Lastly, I bestowed upon Issac a brown business suit jacket with a white undershirt and some brown dress pants. With dress shoes that had been nice and cleaned, he looked like a real chap. Except for one aspect, he exasperated brilliance. The very aura of him made him feel like a scholar, but you could see the toned muscles in his back that had been trained through manual labor, he was indeed the definition of a craftsman.

I granted myself a physical appearance as well, with hair that was light orange, with it getting even lighter till the end of it, I put it in a ponytail as I didn't want it getting in the way. Then I got a long-sleeve wool shirt and got on a pair of pants that I could remember from Earth, just a simple pair of blue jeans would work, though all of these clothes were made out of the collected mana, so they would be very dense.

With all of the gods made and given physical existences, I sent them out and let them do their own thing, some of them immediately made a doctrine of a religion that worshipped them, others didn't even consider doing it till the other gods did, but they all remembered my rule.

I then decided that waiting in one spot for all eternity did me no good, and snapped myself into a place that looked like a quaint little home, it had an open porch that outside of it was plenty of flora and trees, while it was raining gently outside, with a windchime outside making a beautiful sound every once and again, this was my personal space, and I would rest here for a while.