Time to Appreciate

I woke up after quite an extensive nap, it was still raining as it would be for the rest of eternity till I decided for it not to. I got up and looked around, I checked with my Universal Clock Watch, which I kept on me as a pocket watch, it has apparently been about 12,000 years. I went out to see what had happened and as I suspected. I saw that there were more people than before on every continent, even the giants had prospered. I wondered if I had made this world to good for them? But I ignored that thought.

As I left my space, I entered the land of the gods to see that there had been quite a few changes. There were only decorations, and while it was yes, very beautiful, I didn't detect and presences on the island other than me. That's when I searched the whole planet for the other gods with a burst of pure god essence and found that they had all made homes on the actual continents, and one was currently in the midst of travel. So I decided to not interrupt them and do my own traveling and see the world I created with my own two eyes.

The first place I would go would be the human continent, mainly because I want to see if there are any differences between the humanity of this world and my old one. So I set off, I teleported into a forest near the center of the continent as I didn't want to just appear in a kingdom and have to deal with the authorities.

I walked around the forest for a while and found my way out through the eastern end. I saw a dirt road that led all the way up north to the south. I couldn't see the end of it with these darn human eyes. So I decided id have to start my walk, I saw a nearby river earlier and it was flowing south, so I assumed any nearby civilization would've settled down south. So I began my travels following the old dirt road south.

I expected it to be like one of the anime I was fond of in the past, where a goblin would attack a merchant and id get a free ride by saving them, but it wasn't like that at all surprisingly. I traveled by a few people and had some small idle chat as they explained they were heading for the monsters forest, I asked where it was and they said it was up north and that a so-called subjugation quest had begun up there. I didn't inquire what they were subjugating as I assumed that would break some form of privacy contract between them and their employer.

I walked a few minutes longer and saw a carriage that was off to the side of the dirt road. I went over and asked, " Hey stranger, has something went wrong? ". I saw a chubby man of the stature of about 5'6 come up to me and say, " Haha, no sir, just a broken wheel, you know how the wheels get after not replacing them, I got one in the carriage, it's just taking a while to replace. ". I saw that this man was most likely a merchant as he had no adventuring equipment yet could afford a carriage for personal transportation. So I asked, " Well thats a predicament, sorry to intrude, but I'm heading down this road here, and I would like to hitch a ride if that's alright with you? ".

He looked at me and chuckled, " Well why not? Ain't like there ain't no room, and Oakenshire is almost up ahead anyhow. " He then said shortly after, " Can you help me with this wheel since your gonna be comin along anyhow? ". I gave a smile as I found it a pretty reasonable deal and said, " That won't be no problem at all. " As I quickly just used magic to replace the wheel and used illusion magic to make it look like I did some work, as I didn't honestly know the full process of replacing wheels manually.

Once we were done, I followed him onto the front of the carriage as we started to head off to Oakenshire. I asked him, " So fellow, what is it you do for a living? ", and he replied to me " Oh well you see, I'm a wandering trader, I collect goods from kingdom to kingdom and sell them in other kingdoms as a form of exotic produce. ". I looked at him and gleamed for a second, " Well ain't that an interesting job, I guess youve been all around, huh. ". he chuckled at me and waved it off, " No no, its just a mediocre merchant business, but I am verified by the merchants guild if you're skeptical of me ", he said as he took out a card and showed it to me. I ignored any expression of being impressed and simply smiled. He then asked me, " So then, what do you do if I may ask sir? ", I laughed at his politeness, " Haha, nothin really, so far I'm just traveling the world, but you could say I am just making sure everythings in order with the world. " He stared at me blankly, " Sir I dont think you should joke about that, there's only one being who gets decide if the worlds in order, and that would be the god of balance and creation. ". I smiled at him gently and nodded as he was confused about why I would agree.

We got to the walls of Oakenshire and the guards stopped us and from the guard infront we were asked, " Sir's, please show identification so we can allow you in. ". The trader took out his Merchant Guild verification and showed it to the guard on the left, as the guard on the right came to me asking for identification, I then thought of saying I have no identification, but I also have no money to buy identification, and letting someone without I.D in is suspicious and could lead to me being denied or detained... that's when it hit me, I can just make a fake one. I used illusion magic to make it seem as I presented a form of verification to the guard, as we were let in quickly after.