A Simple Restaurant

I got off the carriage and waved the nice merchant goodbye, as I enjoyed our little chat.

While I looked around the town I saw signs guiding the streets, I went in the way of the adventurers guild as it seemed to be something that would be popular. As I guessed, it indeed was, there were men and women covered in robes, some beastmen who I would like if wore more clothes, and a lot of humans carrying a variety of weapons all around the outside.

I realized something, I shouldn't be an adventurer, or I wouldn't be defeatable, and that's just no fun, because if you couldn't tell from my past life, I am one of those few people who don't feel fulfilled unless they're working, some may say I'm the perfect office drone, but its not as simple as that, I can't get enough of dealing with people, its just one of my favorite activities. So that's why I decided I would first make the proper arrangements. I spread my consciousness thin and found out about how these continents guilds worked and the such. I created a basic Identification and simply registered it by commanding a government office worker out in a nearby kingdom.

I continued past the guild building and saw a small restaurant, this restaurant had clean glass windows and mahogany plank as its main building structure. I was surprised to say the least, not because it was necessarily impressive, but because the glass was still rare in this world, not rare as in it couldn't be made, it was just the way of making windows was still primitive and they had to blow glass. This was mainly due to controlling fragile glass with magic was very hard to do.

I walked into the store and noticed how even more I felt at home, it was like a restaurant from earth.

That's when I remembered those reincarnation stories that were oh so popular, and now that I know that it's possible, it's not wrong to say I was suspicious.

As I entered I saw a multitude of races sitting down, one demon, three elves, a dwarf and two humans. A very diverse crowd in these parts I presumed. As I walked in, I noticed that the ones who were lone looked at me, while the parties of people were too enthralled in their conversations. As I sat down at the counter, I heard a mans voice, as I looked up, it was most likely the owner as he had turned away from the open kitchen.

I asked the man, " Hello there, can I order soon? ".

The man replied to me, " There's a menu in front of you, order whenever. "

I noticed that his tone was disgenuine, from all those stories I read, this was definitely the attitude of a reincarnated chef.

I said to the man, " Do you have something known as a hamburg steak? " before he could turn away.

He noticed that I had never opened the menu, I could see a drop of sweat down his forehead.

He had an obvious pause, it looked like he was thinking, but I knew he was probably freaking out.

He then said to me with a more polite tone, " We do have hamburg steak here.. but it will be 1 platinum.. ".

I quickly spread my consciousness and figured out how the money system of this world worked, as I didn't want to appear uneducated, that would be embarrassing.


The Money System of the Human Nations ;

[ Commoner Currencies ] ( Money mostly used by traders and commoners)

- Copper

- Bronze = 10 Copper

- Silver = 10 Bronze

- Gold = 10 Silver

- Platinum = 10 Gold

[ Noble Currencies ] ( Money used by high-end traders, nobles, and royals )

- Guilded Gold = 10 Platinum

- Guilded Platinum = 10 Guilded Gold

- Royal Coin = 10 Guilded Platinum


I kept a calm demeanor and looked at the menu, I noticed that most of the foods weren't as extortionately priced as that one, the most expensive dish was just 6 Gold, with gold being the standard coin for all the dishes. Even the customers who heard what he said were surprised, no one here had taken out a platinum coin in the shop for just a single dish. The only reason they were willing to pay gold was the food was simply something out of this world.

I decided I would mess with the owner a bit and took out two platinum which I simply counterfeited. He looked at them with greedy eyes but quickly suppressed his greed. I gave them to the man as he went into the kitchen and quickly went to work.