Gods gone Wild

On Vestira, The Continent of the Beastman, there was a huge plain that took up a good chunk of the continent, it was known as the Vestirian Fields, it was known for its beautiful natural flowers and many animals.

In the center of the fields, lying in some tall grass was a man with linen pants tied up with a cloth belt, he wore no shirt and his well trained and kept muscles were laid bare, he was sleeping in the middle of the fields till a band of beastmen ran past and one stopped to warn him.

" A beast is chasing, get up! " The man tried pulling on him.

The man lying down opened his eyes and pushed the other guy off him.

" Stop shouting! " He roared.

The other man just shook his head, " A beast is coming you fool, get back to town, I have no time to waste on those who don't take good worries! "

While the man ran off shaking his head, he weighed nothing on his conscious, it was the fool's own fault if he didn't run to town.

While the beastmen are prideful people by nature, they are in no way idiots, they understand that unless there an immovable object, there's no point in fighting the unstoppable force, just dodge to the side and you'll live to tell the tale.

Unknown to him, in the center of that tall grass, the man simply stood up and looking at the incoming beast who was a Oracle Beast, a Fear-Mowler,

Originally from Laurix one of the countries on Area 04, more commonly called the Demon Continent, its a beast that normally lived in the rocky deserts caused by volcano's and has long legs and a spherical body with one huge eye, they're known to cause fear due to there creepy appearance but also have an natural aptitude at curses, and are known for there Curse of Binding, where your stuck in spot by your worst fear.

While they're rare on Vestira, they are known to have a small flocks of them in dry areas ever since a few were brought over a few hundred years ago. It's very strange that one would appear here in the Vestirian Fields, known for its especially lush and fertile soil.

The beast seemed to not know fear, or it simply couldn't feel the mana radiating off the mans legs now.

The linen pants seemed to start busting out from the pure size of the legs that are slowly changing into the legs of a great bear. The man started charging at the beast, and with a leap the nearby mana was channeled into his legs and a swipe of flame kicked the Fear-Mowler in the side of the body, the eye seemed to squish and bust open through the force pressured onto it from the kick.

He could feel it washing over, the inexperienced may not be able to tell, but a depressing energy, perfect for feeding the demon beast was washing over from the elven continent.

' I must talk to her then.. somethings gone wrong in the world. '

This was the god of the wild, the sacred beast-lord, Brill, he had stopped living with his believers secretly a long time ago once the tribal system was abolished, he didn't hate it, but he couldn't stand the bustling cities made by the advancements of time, they raged against the spirit of beast he represented.

Many beastmen actually shared his opinion, but unlike him and others who truly had power, they needed money and a job to survive and there beast instinct wasn't as strong, so they were able to deal with it. It was mostly children of the beastmen who have trouble living in the cities, and research is currently taking place that suggest beastmen living in the city sense babies will naturally have a weaker aptitude at magic, its thought this is because there beast instinct is unsatisfied and is fighting the human part of them.

He started his travel to the Elven continent, while he can teleport, the current negative energy doesn't seem to be to much of an issue the gods cant directly deal with, but how long has it been since hes been in environment of a lush forest like the Elven Forest.

He quickly started on his way to the coast slowly transforming entirely into a great bear, he started running faster. This was a while advanced, still publicly known technique special only to the beast man, they could while in the same way hide there beastly features as he did earlier, they can also delve fully into there beastly form.

In just two days, he was already on the edge of the continent and jumped off the cliff into the ocean below, he while falling changed from a great-bear to a giant fish[1], the pattern in his scales glowed in the night from the reflection of the moon, he had used this form many times and it was because he had his powers as the God of the Wild didn't, he could transform into any beastial form he wishes, while other gods do have a sacred beast form, he had a unknown amount known only by him.

This fish form was his favorite form to take whenever he needed to travel by water, and it was in many legends of sacred beast and was considered a sacred beast itself, but it was always just him being somewhere and the writers being there at the right time.

He also used his multiple sacred beast forms whenever he gave premonitions in the past sense he preferred being a beast a lot of the time, but sometimes like earlier he also liked being in his human form, if anyone other than the gods got to knew him really well they would describe him as... bi-polar.

On his way he went, he should arrive on the elven continent in a few days to discuss with the other gods.

[1] While a 'Great-Bear' is a easy image to think of, I can understand a giant fish isnt, please if you like to imagine stories in your head, use this as your reference: https://i.redd.it/xteop5xgp7a31.png

(I will post it in the comments so you can Copy Paste the Link)