The Sky is Plagued

In the humans continent or Area 02, it was unified 2 centuries ago since unlike in the old universe they had many natural predators and many other races that while right now, peace mainly rules on the surface of the races, there were wars between them.

Since the intervention of mythical forces like the gods was tangible and magic was there for all to see, not believing in God? It doesn't exist, sure some people don't pray, but everyone knows they do exist. So the church held considerable power among the people and was relatively pure and uncorrupted since as a priest, you cant get acknowledged by your god if you're trying to ruin everything their church built up through centuries of hard work can you?

So when the pope called a emergency meeting within only the most trusted of the high priest, in the Tower of God, a tower that was named that by the church and was only accessible during 1 time of the year to the public, stood outside the tower was the pope, and 5 head priests from all over the continent, 2 actually ran small village churches but they were veterans of the church, the other 3 were the head priests of some of the biggest chapels on the continent.

The pope led them onto the first floor of the tower where there was a room with 121 people. They were all from over the continent and were called 'The Representatives' , and they were sworn on a oath of the gods so they could not use there diplomatic weight maliciously, and must truthfully represent there people instead of there own interests.

Representatives were highly respected because it was public knowledge that by deciding to take the oath, they gave up the ability to have there own thoughts represented in any form of diplomacy, even if its deciding a war, they must always represent there people by force of the oath. So they garner a lot of respect for basically giving up the ability to represent there own thoughts to others as the oath isn't very specific because it cant be specific, the moment specifics come into it, theirs possible loopholes, so they end up giving up the ability to even represent there own thoughts on just a casual argument because its considered diplomacy by the oath.

The representatives stood up and walked to the center of the room where they took a oath of secrecy about the events there about to witness and the information they will be informed of.

After two hours of each representative walking forward and swearing the oath, the pope came forward.

" The Tower of God, said to be built by our ancestors and the most known land-mark on the human continent for its sheer height that breaches even the clouds. "

Everyone nodded along, this was basic information they all knew.

" It is truly a tower to god. " The pope stopped there, that's all he had to say for them to understand in his mind.

The representatives had all experienced dealing with ambiguities through being in politics long enough , so they understood, and the priest were all dedicated believers with blessings, so they understood that the gods can be met.

The priest led them up the staircase that was built along the inner wall that seemed to spiral up into a foggy second floor, but when he led them all up there, outside the windows they were already above the clouds. The tower is actually filled with supports and only has these two floors, connected through a magical gate of some sort.

Once they looked around they saw what seemed to be a very high quality lounge chair. The pope immediately walked over and kneeled in front of the chair and started a prayer.

The representatives were not required to do as such, but the pope beckoned over the other priest who did the same, while the more religiously dedicated representatives gave a silent prayer.

Soon, another staircase seemed to build itself backwards, coming from the roof which now had a hole covered in a mystical darkness filled with stars, walking down it came a man with a scruffy beard and long flowing hair with a apron and thin clothes on, his hair was kept back by a cloth wrapped around the front of his head, he was wearing classic blacksmith attire.

With every step he stepped on, his clothes slowly changed, till he was wearing an older suit with some glasses on, his facial hair nicely kept and his hair cut and waved to the side, he seemed like a charmer. As he got to the bottom he sat down and crossed his legs, his voice seemed to come from nowhere but everywhere as it was clearly heard by everyone without echoing.

" What is your predicament Burdvar. " He looked down at the pope who stopped praying but kept his head down.

" Great God, give me insight, what is the plague of evil covering the sky, what has caused such a omen my god! "

" .... " The man slowly faded from the chair and they were teleported back outside of the tower, where the door seemed to be locked.

Even the pope was confused, while the god of thought always gave insight in cryptic ways for he wanted his followers to think for themselves, he understood sometimes things are greater than one man can handle and gave help. This was the first time there god had in recorded history, not gave a response and sent them on there way. No one could make heads or tails of the meaning.

Little did they know, in the top of the tower the man still sat there in the chair, where a table then appeared on the side with some High Quality Vestirian Liquor[1], he just sighed and poured himself a shot and drank, he knew why they called him here before they even did it, because hes omniscient? No. Its because he already felt the wave of negative energy from the elven continent, its currently spread itself over the world by now, if he and the other gods didn't feel it, we're they anything but blind?

He sighed and stayed in his more godly uniform, sense he beforehand was gaining insight on the thoughts and beliefs,practices,knowledge,etc. on blacksmithing in a small village where a previously very-famous blacksmith retired to. This was his hobby ever sense he stopped living on the God Continent, he learnt of others thoughts and insights into different things of all kinds, as that was while uncannily his title as the God of Thought, he unironically enjoyed learning about others.

He walked back up the stairs he came down on and was walking on the clouds to the elven continent, he was never one for doing things fast, he liked to take his time and think, and while it was said he was walking, to mortals with every step he disappeared and reappeared onto another cloud, this would get him there in time to most likely meet the other gods as they converge, and give him time to organize thoughts on the matter before they inevitable have a meeting.

Off to the elven continent went Asaria, also known as the God of Thought (Or Knowledge).

[1] A type of alcohol that is made by the beastmen distillers who use ingredients grown in the rich and fertile fields of Vestira, if you wish for a real life comparison, its high quality bourbon.