Chapter 30

Soon both of them engaged in a intense battle. Both of were fighting at their Tier4 form. Soon Silvia reached at the Demon Lord's castle along with other lords. She and the other lords were surprised to see that someone can fight with their king at same level. So he must be also Tier4 being. Soon the Demon Lord used his hidden powers and goes into Tier5 stage for 2 minutes. Everyone was surprised to see this. Because only the Gods were able to reach Tier5. So reaching Tier5 already meant that he won as no one expected Alex to reach Tier5 being so young.

Demon lord Rosh-" Kid you are really amazing. I really enjoyed todays fight. No one was so good like you but now unfortunately you will die at my hands."

Alex simply smiled and nodded his head before he started to chant a spell and temporarily remove his limiter for 2 minutes which allows him to use more power. He can only keep Tier4 form and use Tier4 spells constantly. Otherwise the Gods of that world will declare war against him. Thats why he was slowly building his powers in that new world rather than just use his Suppressor Tier form and destroy everything. The Demon Lord puched him and Alex flew far and fell on the ground. Silvia sent Alex a message-" Lord Alex although you are enough powerful but you can't win against him now. You must go away and live."

But just before Alex was about to fall he also became Tier5 and instead of falling he slowly landed on the floor. He raised his hand and suddenly 20 lances of crystal appeared in the air. All the Demon lords were astonished to see this.

" This is impossible. How can this be?"

" He also became Tier5?"

Demon King Rosh used a defense spell-" Earth wall" but the crystal lances broke through his defense spell and struck him. 5 lances pierced through his body. Soon his lifeless body fell. Alex went towards him and took few things from him and his crown which he gave to Silvia as he made her the new Demon King.