Chapter 31

Alex declared Silvia as the new Demon king and told her to sign a contractwith 2 conditions. One of them was to help Alex if he ever needs help and second one was to - "not to harm humans for enjoyment. Only harm them if they attacks". Then at night they held a party for the arrival of the new demon lord. Alex and Silvia celebrated together with other lords. Next day Alex left for Kingdom Vrestia. Next day he reached kingdom Vrestia and then after reaching Vrestia he met Robin and Harris. After meeting Robin told Alex to come and stay at their castle. Although Alex declined the offer first but then he accepted as he requested for it. Then Alex moved there. Alex also joined classes with Harris. Alex began to attend classes with Harris. There he made few friends and some enemies. Alex studied swordsmanship and he was praised by their teacher. Harris was happy and boastful that his friend is so good at using swords. Among Alex's friends there was Arisa, Toby and Sia. Arisa was magic user and she learned about magic, Toby was Halberd user and Sia used Knuckles. And Harris was sword user.

They used to practice among themselves to improve their control over their weapons and increase attack power.