Adopting a new brother and surprise

As Klover had gotten the official adoption papers he read everything and signed everything and handed off to the record keeper and now Klover officially adopted red now that means Klover is reds adopted father and red is klovers adopted father as Klover and red we're happy Klover went to tell his family and red went to his room excited to finally have a dad who cares about him and as Klover came in opened the door about what happened well he just busted in and scared everyone "DAD! You scared us half to death why did you come in busting in...." David said as Klover realized what he was doing and that no one but him and David where there and so klover shut the footy awkwardly to give his son some time to pull up his pants and Klover thought now that's why people told me never to barge in but he is just 5 years old he's just exploring why didn't I nock why Klover thought then he knocked hoping he got his pants up and when he knocked on the door David said come in "Ok we never speak about this again it was well awkward but I need you to do something for me can you we'll get the family in the liv...nope never mind in the sun room" Klover said as he remember what had just happened


As they were in the sun room everyone looked at how bright it was as it was all gold but with Amy's mom sense she felt something was off about klover and David but she figured that she'll ask him later "so what happened hun" "ya brother what happened" "ya dad... what...happened" david said awkwardly " I came here to tell you that I adopted red" Klover said "that's great...Wait what happened to the mother wasn't she still alive" Amy said "ya but she disowned him after finding out he was still going to be in the guard " Klover said "and also why are you and David so awkward towards each other he's your own son hug him because I can feel tension" Amy said as everyone including Ben looked at the two "what not awkward" Klover said awkwardly then everyone looked at Klover and Gestured for him to hug david "fine" Klover and David said giving a really awkward hug "oh and hun I need to talk with you like ASAP like right over here in this room where no one is and no one can hear us" Amy said "ok"Klover said awkwardly as he walked to the other room and shutting the door and locking it "why were you to so awkward come on tell me and don't even try to lie"Amy said "I may have... well came in at the wrong time when he was in the living room alone" Klover said did you knock?" Amy said "no" "well why didn't you knock I always knocked" Amy said "well I know now to knock....wait you knew about this!" Klover said surprised "yes I learned to knock when David turned 5 as he started at 5 but it became awkward" Amy said "so that's why it was always so awkward after a few day of his birthday"