All about orphaned in destruction

As the wind blows at his face his hair goes up by the wind and as he begs for money at the butchers tavern in destruction kingdom he says all the time he'll do anything to get money for him and his brothers as one of the people a old man to be exact he gets pulled by the old man into a dark area as more people show up there was one with one eye one with one leg and with one arm and there's one with nothing just muscle "aha it seems you got one so what are we going to do to him hm" one eye said "you disgusting pervert he's only 5 or somewhere close to 5 we're not going to do that gross why would you even suspect were doing that" "well in my primes I used to do a lot of things to a lot of different people I even did it to one kid maha" one eyed said grossly "boss why do we even have this pervert and rapest we might as well bring him to jail"he said talking to nothing "well he did said anything.. hey boy by anything are you willing to sell your body"nothing said as he thinks the boy doesn't know what he's talking about "sir I'm only 10 and I do know what you mean and I'm not doing it"Alex said crossing his arms and Turning away and started walking "not even for 1M Gold" nothing said smirking as he knows the boy can't resist that offer Alex thinks if I have that amount we could live in a apartment and eat real food and mama can get a head start on a job and won't have to do prostitution but if he does he'll have to sell his body which even for him it doesn't seem worth it but then he thinks about his baby brother as he was a son of my mama and one of her clients "fi...fine!" Alex said while he's pissed "maha knew it EL take him out back maha and mal make sure he doesn't double cross us

... hours after ewww

As they were done Alex got the money and pole his pants up while trying to walk he fell because of pain and Alex thought one day I'll get those bastards back I've only agree to this for my family (eww just if I had the button to make this chapter a certain age I would but I can't just eww) as Alex limped back to his house and as soon as he saw his mom he gave the money and tried to lay down and sleep the pain off "Alex dear why are you limping" mother said "because my leg hurts" Alex said as mom opens the pouch she counts how much and she is surprised even simple begging couldn't get you this much unless you begged to the right people " honey where did you get this money tell me now!"mom said "I'm going to take a bath at the lake" Alex said "don't ignore me I asked a question" mom said but Alex has already started to head to the lake and the mom followed as Alex took off his clothes Alex's mother saw all the bruised marks all over him and once she got to see his face in the light she saw that his ear was bleeding and his pants where bleed from the back to before he can take his pants off his mom stops him and says "where the hell did you get these bruises" mom said "I was trying to steal from someone they had hitted me" Alex said but he knows he's bad at lying and plus she knows the marks very well as she had them to from her clients "why why.. why would you do that no why" mom said "so I can get money and plus you know brother he can't survive very long he's sick and he needs a doctor"Alex said "but your not getting the point what they did to you was wrong and disgusting it wasn't right look at me you need to report them to the local guards" mom said telling Alex to look at "AND FOR THE MONEY TO BE TAKEN WE NEED IT MOTHER! know what the begging doctor said he won't last that long without proper treatment if I had to even if I don't want to i would do it ag-" Alex said but got interrupted by a large smack and leaving a medium sized hand print "never your never do this again" mom said