Stage two of five fight for bayer lake tower part 1 of 2

As the carriage arrived the Mallory found the king and had told him about the the whole framing thing and about Alex and his mom Klover has said he'll talk to him and updated her on the important details about what happened while she was gone and when Klover went before he could go Mallory told him to be careful with the boy as he has a lot of bites on his neck so he might have more and there are also puncture wounds and some bruises so Klover said ok and he went to see them as they met Alex's mom started to bow not knowing why Alex didn't bow until his mom elbowed him in the gut to signal him to bow as he's the king and so he did "um you guys can get up you know and I heard about your travels from Mallory really thanks I should be the one bowing as you saved one of my dearest friends" Klover said " it was nothing we saw that she needed help so we helped although her woulda are extensive" mom said "I know but I heard about your wounds first and she told me to heal you guys and all she needed was rest this type of healing power needs the center of your body aka in between your chest as it is more effective or you I could just start healing from the neck up it's all about your comfort zone ok" Klover said as Alex took off his shirt fearing what the king might say he acted like he need help so he will be able to talk to his mother "I'll help him" "mom I'm scared" "why are you scared" "what if he says bad thing about my wound because there not stabb wounds there bite wounds from people" "don't worry dear I heard from a friend that the king of ice this one especially is very nice"mom said as she finished with the last button "oh that is a lot of blood from just bite marks..these aren't big bites or animal bites are they" Klover said a tad bit disappointed "no they are-" Alex said before getting interrupted by Klover "I know what they are but it's ok it will be gone plus between you and me *whispers* I had a lot more and they weren't bug or animal bites either so it's ok" Klover said whispering the last part and stopped whispering the last last part "aha" Alex said laughing "so how about those jobs ok let's see I don't have any room for maids but I could use a head maids and for those jobs do Alex I'm guessing your name is do you want a valet job or babysitting" Klover said while he said that mom was Especially happy "um can I choose both" Alex said worried "sure so since I have not two valors you can take-up the weekends and mondays and maybe sometimes Tuesday for babysitting Tuesday though Friday and you guys can sleep um if you don't mind we have 1 floor that is nice you guys could sleep there you needn't worry about clothes and furniture as I will get those stuff for you and I will have the guards bring the stuff in and also Alex your first job is to go tell the steward to set up for the party also you two will be invited ok"Klover said as Alex's mom was going to speak a servant interrupted and told the king something and to follow "uh I'll be back remember your rooms are on the 3 floor East wing I got to go" Klover said as he runs off to the war room where every council member is there around the table "what is wrong" "read this sir" as Klover took the letter it had the insignia of destruction on it the not said that the only way there calling off the war is if Klover had a baby and gave it to them to show that they had a chance in getting at ice Kingdom or we'll fight for bayer lake tower maha think about it "are we going to accept Klover" "no send them no and tell them we'll be waiting and move the party to when we win" Klover said because as before ben has been sick and they had to move the party multiple times