Battle for bayer river tower part 2

As the attack started several minutes before hand Klover and red had watched as there men were wining until the monster came "that thing again it looks even more like a monster than before than like before it attacked but this time from the back and so when red looked back it knocked his helmet off like last time but this time it didn't stop until his armer was broken and his shirt was torn and his sword snapped in half as reds scars and bruises showed up the monster stopped but this time red took has half broken sword and attacked at the monsters head until his helmet popped off then he stabbed him in the lower abdomen not seeing his face until he looked up and both Klover and red were surprised it was blue but his moth and ears where cut or stitched closed then when he got stabbed red withdrew his sword and as blue fell to the ground he got pulled up and red cuts off the stitching off his mouth while Klover heals his ears saving his hearing and when that's all done Klover looked down seeing how there was one more guy on there side and 1 really injured guy on ices team klover quickly took a bow from the floor and found a aged arrow that was still useable and as the guy was about to chop klovers last me off Klover drew the arrow back and shot the guy in the head making the arrow come out of the other side of his head an then the guy dropped the sword and fell to the ground and after that blue tried his hard bowing and saying sorry to his son red but still standing klover got shot with a arrow missing his head but injured his shoulder then another arrow on the same spot but just on the other shoulder then Klover fell to the ground as there was one no one saw that hitted him in his stomach as red and blue saw his wounds they quickly ran to a medic and sent one of his guys to kill the archer and so they won but with a cost and so when the nurse looked at his wounds they put him in the er and just like Klover did for him he stayed and held his hand praying that he would live "why are you touching his arms we should go back home" "I can't"red said whispering "yes you can " blue said taking his sons hand but red moving blues hand " im not your son anymore neither is the girl my mom you maybe related to me by blood but I'm klovers adopted son now" "you mean KING Klover and yes you are my son so come on" "no I'm not mom disowned me and Klover my dad the dad I always wanted adopted me and for once I'm actually happy you can go if you want but I'm staying with my dad the dad I always wanted"red said as blue ran out pissed