Training and a mana explosion

As the days goes by Arthur has been going secretly going into the study's some times his mother catches him as Arthur hears the door opening he looks and it was his mother "oh honey what are you doing in these studies" as mom said Arthur stands up and points at the books "oh you want to read the book do you maybe soon I will move your room to the study's " mom said as arthur looks excited and days past and she does as she said she would do she moved his crib into the study's then as she puts Arthur down for a nap she naps herself after 1 hour she wakes up going outside her husband had been training then as she is half way down the stone path as she was watching him train he suddenly ran to her using his magic but she didn't understand why until a beam of fire came and attack then she looked back and the whole house was exploded then she started to cry and ran "honey art is in there" as she said that she started crying then he tried to find Arthur