A instructor and pregnant

As days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months and months years they have been on the road with dads old group of adventures for days now and as Arthur wakes up he sees his mother is still sleeping he quickly goes to wake his mother up as she wakes up she looks dazed "what's wrong art" "I'm hungry" "oh ok hold on I'll go get some food" as mom says that she gets some meat and gives it to Arthur and as Arthur started to chew on it he didn't want to sleep so he left to go find his dad and there they were all of his group driving the carriage "oh it's you arthur your awake"Jone said Arthur had analyze him before when they met his special ability is scythe augmentation "how long until we get there " "two more weeks" Jone said as he noticed some Bandits but there was over 50 the archers had shot then Jone had pushed Arthur into the carriage then a air barrier formed to block the arrow and to plan "it seems there's a lot of people Jone and joe attack from the west and East me and sue we'll attack from the north and south" as she says that everyone leaves but the carriage barrier had disappeared "mom" "honey it'll be ok" mom said while hugging Arthur close to her chest "no momma I think we should escape before anything bad happened to the carriage " "we'll be all right art" "no we won't momma" as Arthur said arrows pierced the wall of the carriage missed Arthur's mom by a couple of inches "ok we'll leave at least let me ...ow!" " mom said as she clenches her stomach "are you ok mom" "ya just let's go" mom said as both of them start running outside then dad noticed and killed the bandits to protect Arthur and his mom then as they were half way there dad gets shot then they retreated back to his dad then Arthur quickly put an ice wall to protect them "mom heal him" "ok"mom said as she started to heal "no don't you'll make your condition worse honey" "what condition dad" "your mom is pregnant " "I'm going to be a big brother" Arthur said happily "yes so that's why I need you to run and run with your mom keep on going straight until you hit a village " "ok dad"Arthur said as he takes his mom and runs