Who to invite and beaten and a sleep over part 1

As Arthur discovers another paper that was left under the floor he picks it up and sees it says who to invite and Arthur started to wonder "why is this paper on the floor" Arthur said as he shows it to ash "oh this one we already have a Guest list the party will have over 50 people it will all be the famous and rich people anyone else isn't invited" "what shouldn't it be our choices can you please add a few names" "no and it's final" "but that's not fair this is our wedding and plus they'll be enough food to feed a kingdom" "fine! But there's a limit there could only be 500 people" "ok easy enough we should invite all the kid servants and most of the starving people please" "hmph sure" ash said annoyed then as Ash takes out the list of names Arthur takes it and adds names including Adam then as he finishes he quickly runs to the door but then remembers Adam and goes quickly to the other door he was about to open it until ash taps his shoulders "ask him if he wants to stay he could stay in the room next to my son if he doesn't then you can take him " "ok" arthur said as he opens the door and sees the two small kids playing then Adam looks and sees Arthur he runs up and hugs him but as he was still to short he tries to hug his legs but Arthur stopped him and knelt down and hugged him then as he lets go Adam goes to pick up his stuff but not until Arthur pokes his shoulder "ya big brother " "do you want to continue to play with him but you'll have to sleep in the room next to him or do you want to come " "I want to continue to play with him but I don't want you to leave" "ok I'll see what I can do" Arthur said as he turns to ash "I'll ask some servants to prepare a second bed in the room" "you don't have to I saw the room the bed should be big enough for us both" "are you sure" "yes I don't want to bother the servants with such a small task plus he has nightmares so if he starts to cry in his sleep I'll just hold his hand or hug him" "ok we'll I figure you should stay" ash said as he leaves before Arthur can say anything