Beaten and sleeping in luxury part 2

As Arthur noticed the young lord got tired he left and noticed Adam is even more sleepy and is in and out of sleep as Arthur gets up and walks towards Adam he looks around and sees Arthur "big brother? What's going on" "nothing you look tired so I'm going to take you to the room and sleep" Arthur said as he picks Adam up and Carry's him like a baby "ok big brother I love you arthur" "I love you to little brother" Arthur said as he started walking out the room and then as he looks he sees young lord crying "young master Jayden why are you crying" "I-I can't find my room" Jayden said then as he looks at him he looks a little bit like his twin brother if it was in the dark arthur would have confused him for jay but unlike jay Jayden room is far from his parents room as jay has nightmares and stuff too and as Arthur looks down to the boys legs they were bruised "Jayden how about we go to our temporary bedroom and sleep there for the night as your legs are bruised what happened " Arthur said then as he offers a hand Jayden takes it then Arthur sees the full extent of bruises all over his arms then he quickly pulled him up and carried him "who did this to you" Arthur said pointing at his arm " the head butler" "that mean guy why didn't you tell your dad" "because if I did he would be fired and brother likes him I don't want to upset him" "that doesn't matter you need to tell someone or else it could get way worse what's he doing is called abuse and it's illegal you know you should always tell a adult and ask them for help" "ok" "ok you promise to tell someone next time " "yes but what if brother hates me" "he won't you guys are like two peas in a pod " "ok" Jayden said as he starts to sleep then as Arthur reaches the room he lays of them down on the bed but stays up and pulls out a picture of the last thing he had of his family "mom and dad I will find you and we will be reunited " Arthur said as he goes on the bed and sleeps