Luxury and beaten part 3

As the warm breeze blew across Arthur had awoken by a soft kiss on the forehead and has he opens his eyes he sees kat standing there then as he sits up he looks around still amazed at how bright it can be in day in the room but dark at night as the magical crystals react to the day and night cycle but can also if modified correctly it can sense when people sleep or is awoken "what are you looking at it's not like you haven't been in this room already you always used to come here when you were upset" "no it's just I was surprised at how small the room was and how you kissed me" Arthur said blushing "your bodies weird it reacts slower to kisses but anyway you should get used to that we are going to get married" "true" "and have kids" "isn't it to soon to talk about that and plus I don't know how babies are made" "wait...what! You don't know how babies why didn't your parents tell you" kat said "my my parents never got the chance I was token when I was five remember " "oh ya crap I forgot sorry for being insensitive how about you go do some things" "ok plus I got to go back and bring Adam back anyway" "ok bye" kat said as she opens the door and leaves then a couple of minutes later adam wakes up and Arthur picks him up and Jayden then he goes up stairs dropping Jayden off and as he's near the door to the other kids sleeping area he puts Adam down then makes sure he enter then Arthur says his goodbyes and leaves


As Arthur Walks down the hall with kat "so that's how babies are born" "ya wait do you hair that " kat said as she notices a noise "ya it sounds like someone is getting a- oh no Adam" Arthur said as he runs and sees Adam being punched by another older boy then as Arthur looks he sees Adams bleeding "this is what you get you slave bastard for sneaking in the kitchen" boy said then Arthur had awoken something he Had became angered and tried to stop him but he was knocked over instead so Arthur quickly started to get angry and had grabbed the nearest object and had stabbed the boy in the chest then the boy falls over and starts spitting out blood but kat was horrified by not what Arthur did but what happened to Adam so she quickly went up to check him "he needs doctors now" "ok" Arthur said as he picked Adam up and left the other boy and Arthur ran to the infirmary