
-5 years later-

Raxdos and Lobo took on job after job, earning a reputation for themselves as one of the best bounty hunter duos in the galaxy. Raxdos even gained a nickname for himself- 'Huntseek'

It was because out of the hundreds of criminals and targets he pursued there was not one failure. That also meant that they could up the price of jobs and the both of them became so rich they even bought an entire planet to themselves, which they completely decked out to create a luxurious retreat.

Raxdos had changed massively from the bratty 15 year old he was during his first job, physically and mentally. He grew to be as tall as his old man and his training left him ripped from head to toe.

His hair was pitch black and kept short, only reaching his eyebrows and he wore glasses to keep his different eye colours hidden. It was the only way to recognise him after all, since there were no actual recorded images of him.

His unique eye colour was a dead giveaway whenever he was tracking someone down, but it actually worked in his favour whenever he talked to women.

His body and exotic appearance, paired with his fame in bounty hunting helped him become a ladykiller over the years.

Lobo has mixed feelings about Raxdos's interaction with women, but as long as it didn't interfere with work he let Raxdos do as he pleased.

It was however on Raxdos's twenty-fifth birthday when instead of going out drinking like the usual, Lobo took him to a planet he became quite accustomed to- the prison planet Takron Galtos.

"You know, I always thought you to be a workaholic but it's my birthday man. Any other day would be fine to take a job except for today.

Let's go back home and get drunk, do some dumb shit and have fun in the meantime. How does that sound?" Said Raxdos with an amused expression.

Lobo looked at Raxdos dead in the eyes with a serious expression, the latter went silent and lost his smile.

"The fact that I'm not your biological father was never kept hidden from you, but your origins were. I should have told you long ago but I kept postponing it... not anymore."

Raxdos sighed at this sentence and rolled his eyes.

"I don't give a shit about my background old man, it can stay buried for all I care."

"But she doesn't deserve it." Replied Lobo.

"She?... Who is this she?"

"Your mother."


Raxdos widened his eyes but regained his composure shortly after.

"You knew my-"

"I didn't know her, not while she was still alive anyway. I found you on this planet twenty five years ago, I'll show you where right now."

Raxdos no longer had an amused expression on his face and just took in the information Lobo fed him.

As they landed the prisoners were all shouting abuse towards their ship, and to their surprise instead of dropping anybody off it actually landed.

"This is our fucking ticket!" Shouted a more robust prisoner and hundreds of the galaxies most vile criminals crowded around the ship.

The hatch of the ship opened up and one of the more desperate inmates tried storming whoever came out.


"Arghh! MY EYES... my fucking eyes!"

As the figure of Raxdos and Lobo became more noticeable all the prisoners became silent, some of them instantly paling.

Most of them were put on this damned planet by this duo, so they knew that even if there were 10 times more prisoners they would still have no chance.

"Watch our ship for a awhile, one scratch and becoming blind will be the least of your worries." Raxdos said to the biggest one of them but all inmates present trembled are his words.

"Y-yes sir" The huge alien replied.

The prisoners made a line for Lobo and Raxdos who were heading towards a mountainous region

"Should be around here somewhere... alright, found it!" Lobo pointed towards a cave hidden by brushes which Raxdos spotted using x-ray vision(Kryptonian bloodline after all).


Lobo turned on a torch and led Raxdos inside the small cave, the latter having mixed feelings about all of this.

In a few seconds they arrived inside a bigger opening where a skeleton was lying prompted against a rock. Above the skeleton, on the cave's wall, was Raxdos's name carved.

"That's your full name: 'Raxdos Cor-Sen'. Your strong enough to know it, and the people that sent your parents to this planet have most likely already forgotten about you."

Raxdos looked at the remains of what he already guessed to be his mother and frowned.

"My parents weren't criminals?"

"Most likely not, you see; Krypton and Tamaran aren't so fond of each other. Their union was looked down upon by both races and were therefore exiled in this hell."

Raxdos squeezed his knuckles in rage but eventually calmed down after releasing a sigh.

"Fucking bastards... they sent innocent people to a place like this?"


Raxdos punched the cave wall and created a crack that ran down up to the cave roof.

"I thought you deserved to know this, I just hope that you won't hate me for revealing the truth to you."

Raxdos looked up at Lobo and lightly punched him in the chest.

"Hate you?! What right do I have to hate you... raising me up like your own son. I don't think I'll ever be able to pay you back for any of it."

Raxdos chuckled and Lobo smiled as a huge burden was finally off his chest.

"How about some drinks then?" Lobo asked.

"Drinks right now would be perfect."

As they walked outside the cave Lobo stoped Raxdos as he remembered one last detail.

"I almost forgot to tell you- the necklace you have since you were a kid. It was your mother's parting gift, making it a lot more valuable than you think."

Raxdos took out his necklace and looked at the diamond like shape with the 'Y' in the middle, hitting himself as he never realised until now.

"That's not a fucking Y... that's Kryptonian writing isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's right. It stand for 'Sen', as in house of Sen." Replied Lobo

Raxdos went quiet and stared at the necklace until they reached the ship, his mind in turmoil at the moment and Lobo knew it. He needed the drinks now more than ever.