
Out of the thousands of warriors that tried to free the prisoners of Takron Galtos only one remained, though he is probably the unluckiest of them all. Raxdos needed to know where these warriors came from after all.



"Don't make this hard for yourself... you just need to tell me who sent you and all the pain will be over." Raxdos said with no remorse as he was breaking the bones of the captured warrior one by one.

"Darkseid... we were sent by Darkseid..." the alien said unable to withstand anymore of the torture.

"Darkseid huh?... who the fuck is Darkseid?" Asked Raxdos and quickly snapped the creature's neck.

"Do you guys know any 'Darkseid'?" He turned to the prison guards, who looked at him with a mixture of respect and fear.

"He is quite a notorious figure and I recommend you don't pursue this matter." The lieutenant of the guards answered.

"That means he's strong right?" Raxdos smiled madly, ready for the challenge until he remembered about Lobo. "That will have to wait though... anyway, you don't have to pay me for the help." He said and flew off the ring that orbited the prison planet.

-3 hours later-

Raxdos prepared a ship to go to Terra, not knowing what to expect. He thought that if Lobo went there without him then the situation must be quite serious.

The journey took quite a bit of time with Raxdos spending most of time pondering on one question- other than bounty hunting what is he good at?

Not even 3 days of thinking were enough for him to find an answer, as the ships A.I. alerted Raxdos of their arrival.

"Well ain't this disappointing..." he said after finally getting a look at the planet. It was so much smaller than he expected it to be.

Since there was no space port or ships to welcome him that only meant one thing- the civilisation of Earth is considered in the 'primitive' category.

Because of this Raxdos downloaded all knowledge of this planet and transferred it inside his brain. With the new knowledge Raxdos has one word for this planet- strange.

"Why the fuck did the old man come here..." Raxdos asked himself and sighed.

He got out of the ship after activating its cloaking function and flew to the planet by himself, knowing that the sight of a ship would shock the inhabitants of this planet.

Out of his pocket he took out a tracker which both him and Lobo had in case things would ever go south and one of them went missing.

He entered the atmosphere of the planet and followed where the tracker was leading him. From the knowledge that recently entered his brain he could tell that he is currently flying above a country called 'America'.

A few seconds later and he was flying above the city of New York and on top of one of the tallest building, Raxdos found the tracker along with a small disk. The disk was a device used to record holographic messages, no doubt Lobo left them here for him.

Raxdos picked up the disk with a frown and activated it, thinking that this must be a prank. He's not very fond of pranks.

You see, it was a long time since I realised something about you- Raxdos, you've never really had a holiday. You see, before I started raising you I used to come to this planet to relieve my boredom.

It is a lot more entertaining than you might think it to be, especially the inhabitants. On the other hand, this planet does have one of the strongest group of guardians protecting it.

You don't have to care about them though, just have fun for a couple of years. I've prepared an identity for you already, and since I've amassed a bit of wealth on Tera I'll leave it all to you.

You can find it all inside a safe house with coordinations 40.7129* N, 74.0072* W.

Do whatever you want with it for the time being, but try to hide your identity as an alien. Let's just say that extraterrestrials aren't so welcome here. Enjoy!>

Raxdos crumpled up the disk in his hand, feeling stupid for ever worrying about Lobo. The prospect of a vacation on the other hand didn't sound too bad to him.

"Let's just see how this plays out old man." Raxdos said with a sigh.