Not so Ordinary Life-6

Four months had passed since Raxdos arrived on Earth and in this time he transformed the 2 million dollars that Lobo left him into 20 million purely by gambling. That was one talent both him and his old man possessed- they were extremely good at cheating.

With the money he earned Raxdos bought a luxurious villa on the outskirts of the city of Gotham, whose casinos he frequented. Other than gambling he found something else he took a liking too- these primitive vehicles on earth called motorcycles.

For some reason he found their appearance and style too irresistible and instead of a collection of sports cars his garage is filled to the brim with motorbikes.

So during times where gambling didn't bring any sort of fun to him Raxdos would go on long bike journeys, sometimes not returning home until days have passed.

Today was one of these days where Raxdos decided to take a trip all the way through the countryside of Illinois. He was enjoying the cool summer wind blowing through his hair, sporting a fresh look- black leather jacket, blue jeans, white t-shirt and his trademark sunglasses.

"ARGHH!" He heard a shout coming from his right but when he looked in that direction it was already too late.

Flying towards him was a young blonde woman with ripped clothes and wounds all over her body, and when she collided with Raxdos he got flung off his motorbike.

As the girl got back she realised that she collided with someone and after seeing the trashed Harley she started panicking greatly.

"No no no! Please tell me that he's alright!" She pleaded anxiously, searching around her for whoever she collided with.

"What the actual fuck... don't tell me..." Raxdos got up not caring about whoever collided with him and ran to whatever was left of his bike. "No man... why the bike?!"

The girl on the other hand just stood there and stared at this stranger with wide eyes, after all he should either be dead or heavily injured because of their collision.

"Supergirl... you think you can get away from me?" A domineering voice was heard form where the girl was flung from.

From that direction a tall alien being walked in their direction with his arms behind his back. His skin was ashen coloured and had a stone like texture, his eyes a bright red.

The being wore breastplate armour with the Omega Greek letter shaped on his chest.

"Darkseid..." the girl said trembling because of her wounds.


Red beams that kept changing direction came out of his eyes and rushed towards Supergirl who had her eyes closed and was waiting for impact.


Darkseid expected to find a knocked out Supergirl but after the smoke cleared a different image greeted him. His beams were blocked by the man who just a second ago was lying by the wreckage of a motorcycle.

"So you're Darkseid huh... the one responsible for the attempt to free the prisoners of Takron Galtos. That's you, right?"

Raxdos had a very angry expression on his face, not because of Takron Galtos but because of his bike. He needed to vent off some steam.

"That is I, you are correct. Since you know that you stand in the presence of a God then I suggest-"


Raxdos didn't let him finish before he planted a right hook in the giant's jaw, making the 'god' fly backwards.

"I heard that your a pretty good warrior, don't disappoint me." Raxdos said and launched a barrage of attacks to a Darkseid that wasn't even fully recovered after the first.

They seemed pretty even at first until Darkseid grabbed Raxdos's hand and tried to squeeze it- a very unfortunate mistake.

The only thing that he got out of that was Raxdos breaking nearly every bone in his hand, and then doing everything possible to get the other man to let go.

"What the hell man... they told me you were strong!" Raxdos no longer cared much for the fight and let go of Darkseid's hands, the latter stumbled backwards and disappeared through a makeshift portal.

"Fucking great... first my bike gets trashed and my only hope for a decent fight just crashed out the window." Said Raxdos while lighting up a cigarette.

As he was doing so he noticed the previous blonde girl staring at him with disbelief written all over her face.

"Listen, can you keep this just between the two of us? I'm currently on holiday so J don't really want any attention pointed towards me. Thanks."

Supergirl nodded reluctantly at the strange man, but once looking at him more clearly she noticed that he wasn't just good looking- his eyes were also different colours.

"Before you go, can you tell me your name?"

"First tell me yours, I mean that the polite way to go about it right?"

"R-right, my name is Kara."

"Well nice to meet you Kara, my name is Raxdos. Don't take this the wrong way but I hope we don't meet again, I'm planning to relax peacefully for the next couple of years." Raxdos said that and flew away from her.

The he glowed while flying reminded Kara of someone she knew with similar looking abilities, and once she realised she couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"Starfire thinks that her race is extinct... looks like I found a survivor." Supergirl said to herself, excited at how Starfire would react to the good news.

"Achoo" While she said that Raxdos sneezed, knowing that someone was currently talking about him.