Kara is currently standing behind Raxdos thinking if its fine to approach him, she still hasn't thanked him for the help after all.
"Excuse me?" She made up her mind and tapped his shoulder.
"Yes?" He said and turned around.
"I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm the girl you've saved four days ago. I was attacked by that monster Darkseid and-"
"And you destroyed my motorbike." He cut her off.
"Yes that's-... I'm sorry for that, it really wasn't my fault. I mean as payback for saving me I can buy you a new bike?" She asked slightly embarrassed.
"It's alright, I was only messing with you. Don't even consider it as me saving you, I was going to go after him one day or another anyway." He replied.
Raxdos thought the conversation came to an end and was about to turn around, until the girl grabbed his shoulder with a lot more strength than he expected.
"That is quite a grip you have there... Kara if I remember correctly?"
She was surprised that he remembered her name... after all she couldn't and had to be corrected by Martian Manhunter.
"Yeah, you remembered correctly. Sorry for grabbing you like that though, it was just that I have one question to ask you. Why did you stop the beams from hitting me?" She asked and let go of him.
"You could have just beat his ass, but before you did that you got in between me and the beams. Why did you do that?"
She was hoping he wouldn't give a dumb reason like the one Martian Manhunter gave- only because she was pretty.
"Because I wanted to see if those beams could harm me... and to my surprise they actually did." He then rolled up his sleeve to reveal two bullet like burn marks on his forearm, caused by Darkseid's beams.
"I'm so sorry about that... I should be the ones with those burns on my body." Kara said, looking at the marks with guilt.
Raxdos smiled and got closer to her, this is so he could speak in a hushed tone.
"Don't worry about it, the quicker you forget about the incident the better it is for me. I'm very aware that you are not human, and although I don't know what planet you're from I know one thing for sure.
You're also trying to blend in with these humans like I am, reasons that only you would know. So I would appreciate it if you can forget I exist, that way we can both get on with whatever it is we're on this planet for."
Kara wasn't very surprised at his demand and responded with a smile.
"I'll do that if you can tell me what you're on this planet for." She said.
"Like I said last time- I'm on vacation." He answered nonchalantly.
"It's kinda strange though for a bounty hunter to take vacations." She continued with her hand on her chin.
"I see that you've done your research... not like I'm anyone special anyway. My words still stand and I'm not planning on any mass destruction if that's what you're asking."
The queue got shorter and before Kara could say anything else the employer at the till asked Raxdos for his order.
After he ordered he walked to the pick up till, with Kara following seconds after.
"So... how are you finding your holiday so far then? Are you having fun?" She asked with a playful tone.
"You could say this planet and it's inhabitants are weird and I still have some trouble understanding its customs. Other than that, I'm enjoying a relaxing vacation." Raxdos answered with a shrug.
"*chuckle* I understand what you mean soo much! When I arrived here from Krypton everything scared me, if not for my cousin I think I wouldn't have been able to cope with things."
She didn't know why she revealed this much to a stranger but because they know each other's secret it sort of created this bond between them.
"I see..." Raxdos nodded with a slight smile until he realised that she mentioned Krypton, and so the smile disappeared.
"What's wrong?" Kara noticed this and thought that she might have said something wrong.
"It's just... you said something about Krypton?" His fists clenched while his heartbeat quickened, currently trying his best to stay calm.
"Yeah... just before Krypton blew up I managed to escape inside a cryogenic pod. If that's what you were wondering."
Her response made him cool down in an instant... Krypton blew up?! Raxdos was initially angry because she mentioned Krypton.
He knew she played no part in his parents exile and yet he felt an indescribable anger towards her. Raxdos knew this is unfair and unjustified, which is why he kept his calm.
But now that he found out what happened to the planet, he didn't feel any happiness whatsoever.
There was this bitterness that grew by the day ever since he found out about his biological parents, a bitterness towards the ones who exiled his parents.
He initially tried to suppress these feelings with alcohol but it seemed to actually make it worse.
It seemed like he would fly to either Krypton or Tamaran and let loose any day now, the only thing that stopped him was whatever remorse he had left. And now that option was taken away from him.