Wasted in the dessert-14

"...your order...."


"Excuse me sir, your order is ready!"

A fast-food shop employee brought Raxdos out of the momentary daze he was in. Kara was also looking at him strangely but he ignored her and just picked up the burger he ordered.

He then walked past Kara, again ignoring her completely, and left the shop with a blank look on his face- feeling a mixture of anger and confusion.

*Did Lobo know about this?! If so, then why the fuck didn't he tell me?!* He thought as he was walking down the street.

Behind the sunglasses his eyes started glowing a bright green and red, the burger he ordered already turning into mush as he clenched his fists.

*I need a fucking drink...* He concluded and then walked inside an alleyway where no one could see him.

With the press of a few buttons on a strange remote from his jacket and he was gone in a flash. He couldn't get drunk on any of the alcohol on Earth and so he teleported back to his ship where the alcohol is more than strong enough to satisfy him.(The device made it possible for him to teleport, he doesn't have any such powers himself)

Especially since five rooms are used entirely for the storage of expensive alcohol- as a bounty hunter you usually find yourself in the void of space for months on end, so one must be prepared.

-1 hour later-

"What did you mean by that Lobo...Huh?! What the fuck did you mean by that?!"


An empty bottle was smashed against the wall of a luxurious looking bedroom.

"We were the greatest fucking bounty hunters old man...THE GREATEST!.... so why the fuck did you ruin it and tell me about my parents?"

Raxdos is currently lying down on a king sized bed staring at the ceiling, bottles all around him and one in his hand. This was the ships main bedroom since the ship used to belong to some royalty Raxdos had done a job for.

"*Gulp gulp* Not only that, but you also tell me to find something else other than bounty hunting... I mean what the fuck! It's the only thing I'm good at since it's the only shit you ever taught me..."

He tried getting up from the bed but fell backwards a few times, until on his fifth try he managed to get himself up. In his drunken state, bottle in hand, he leaned against the walls of the corridors until he reached the ships cockpit.

He stumbled a few times as he walked over to the teleportation pad and painfully typed in the coordinates to the Sonoran Desert. A quiet place with no sounds for miles on end, perfect for Raxdos and his super hearing.


Raxdos is now lying with his eyes closed in what looked like a death like state to most people, but to him the scorching sun provided a very comforting feeling.

*Caw Caw*

Crows and other dessert critters started getting close to him since he did look like a soon to be carcass.


One dose of concentrated solar energy from his finger did the trick and the crows all scurried off.

Not an hour passed by however and thanks to his super hearing the roar of not just one but several motorbikes disturbed his peace.

Instead of heading off into the distance the bikes came closer and closer and Raxdos didn't budge one bit. This time he could hear shouts coming from that direction as well.

"You're gonna fuckin' pay for what you done to Billy!"

"Where's your attitude gone bitch?!"

If Raxdos looked up to his right he could see a woman wearing a black and purple costume riding a modified Harley Davidson. Not that far behind was a group of roughly 15 bikers, all of them shouting profanities and threats to the woman who didn't seem fazed at all.

*Just a little longer and they'll hit the tripwire* the woman thought and accelerated.

"What the?!" Raxdos's lying figure was hard to see because of the blinding sun, and so he took the woman by surprise who almost ran him over.


She jumped off the bike and let it skid across the hot asphalt, barely missing Raxdos. She didn't get out unharmed though and most likely fractured a few bones in that jump.

"Well well, looks like you're out of luck Huntress." A menacing voice could be heard from behind her.

She got up while gritting her teeth and tried to calculate her odds- she had 8 bolts left in her crossbow and if used wisely she is left with 7 angry bikers left to deal with.

The odds are extremely slim but she won't go down without a fight, that's not really her style.

"Sorry to interrupt but can you guys take this shit somewhere else? I mean what does a guy have to do to sunbathe in peace around here?" Raxdos spoke groggily as he tried getting up but stumbled because of his drunken state.

The woman along with the bikers gave Raxdos a weird look, I mean he looked drunk but how drunk do you have to be to not notice this kind of atmosphere.

"The fuck did you just say?" A young biker saw the opportune moment to show off to the boss, walking towards Raxdos with a bat in his hands.

The other gangsters shook their heads at their member's hotheadedness and returned their attention to the injured Huntress.

The latter loaded her crossbow in the moment of distraction and fired her shots.




"My eye?!"

She overestimated her condition and because of her fractured arm she only landed four of the eight shots.

The bikers realised she didn't have any bolts left from the look on her face and charged in... until a projectile took their attention.

That projectile was none other than their hotheaded junior who got thrown by a drunk Raxdos.

This meant that Raxdos didn't hold back one bit and the young biker hit a huge rock behind the Huntress with such speed that his body splattered everywhere.

"Like I told you guys to fuck off... but you didn't listen. They never listen do they?" Raxdos said to himself as he is drunkenly pacing towards the frozen bikers.

"Boss... I think we should leave. Like right now." A biker suggested and their Leader slowly nodded his head in response.


The bikers sped off as fast as they could to get away from that monster, not willing to take any chances.


"Some peace and quiet at last..." Raxdos fell on his back and went to sleep instantly, while the injured Huntress looked at him with her eyes widened- and expression of both wariness and fear.