On the same day that Raxdos spent fixing the Huntress's bike, Batman announced a meeting with the Justice League. As for the topic they are going to discuss, everyone knew already.
"Since everyone is here, I'm going to get straight to what I called you here for- the man we talked about a few days ago, that bounty hunter. I agree with Cyborg on giving him a chance to join the Justice League."
Batman's words shocked everyone since he was originally the one most against the idea during their last meeting.
"Did something happen to change your mind?" Asked Martian Manhunter who is neutral on the matter.
"Yes, you could say that." Batman said and then told them the story of Raxdos saving him and Batgirl from the trap.
"There is one thing I want to ask you about J'onn- other than Kryptonians are there any other alien races capable of firing red heat beams from their eyes?" Batman asked and this question got Superman's attention the most.
"As far as I know, there aren't any. Why?" Replied the Martian.
"When he placed the door back he welded it in place using red heat beams, exactly like yours Clark." Batman said.
"So he's got super strength and heat beams. You don't think he might be a Kryptonian, do you?" The Flash asked, his words being exactly what Superman is also currently thinking about.
"I don't think that's possible." Supergirl retorted from behind Superman.
"And you say that because?" Asked J'onn.
"Well I didn't tell you guys one thing about him- when he flies he glows a faint green light, just like Starfire. So I thought he might be-"
"Tamaranian.... it all makes sense now." J'onn said with widened eyes.
"What makes sense?" Asked Wonder Woman who along with half the League is completely lost right now.
"His eyes, his powers and why barely anything is known about him. Our man is the combination of two extremely powerful races- Tamaranians and Kryptonians." Martian Manhunter answered and the League widened their eyes at his revelation.
"That might explain his powers, but how does that explain why not much is known about him?" Asked Aquaman after a short silence.
"Since the two races didn't get along at all with each other I guess his parents wanted to hide him?" J'onn answered.
"So now that his origins are taken care of, do you want to handle talking to him Clark?" Asked Batman as he noticed Superman's thinking pose.
"I don't think that would be a good idea..." Supergirl answered and started telling the League about her second meeting with Raxdos inside the fast food shop.
"The fact that you didn't tell me when I was right there does bother me..." Superman said with slight glare. "But from your story it was clear that he had a negative reaction once he found out you were Kryptonian."
The other members agreed with Superman's statement, all but Hawkgirl.
"I think his reaction was more confusion than anything else, which might also explain his 'holiday'?" Said Hawkgirl.
"You know what guys, I don't think we should make these kinds of assumptions. I think we should just get him to tell us about these things, since I've already tracked a likely address." Said Cyborg.
"And just how long ago was it that you've tracked this address?" Asked Batman with a raised eyebrow.
"Only like... three days ago?" Replied Cyborg looking away from Batman's eyes.
"Right, and you didn't tell us because?" Batman continued.
"Well... it was a favour for Starfire. Since he is probably the only other Tamaranian out there, she only wanted to find out more about him." Cyborg's answered.
The members nodded at his reason feeling a bit sympathetic for the girl, especially after all that she's been through.
"Then how about leaving up to the Titans to ask him to join the League?" Asked Hawkgirl.
"I agree, Cyborg's team is quite charismatic." Flash said.
"Why don't I try... I mean again? I've already spoken to him before." Supergirl asked.
"I don't think that's a good idea, didn't he already tell you to act like he doesn't exist?" Said Superman.
"I mean yeah... he did say that, but now that he's Kryptonian it changes everything." Supergirl said with a light blush.
"And how exactly?" Superman asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well... you're really good at controlling your strength so you can easily get a human girlfriend. Me on the other hand..." Supergirl said in a low voice. "I can't even hug my friends-other than Diana and Kendra(Hawkgirl)... he's also kind of hot."
Her words made everyone present except for Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl widen their eyes in surprise, having never seen Kara act like that before.
"If those are your intentions then how about you wait until he joins the Justice League... if he does." Suggested Superman.
"If he doesn't?" Supergirl asked.
"If he doesn't then it's all up to you, but like J'onn said before- he's known for playing around with women. Don't get tricked by him, okay?" Superman said with his hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry Kal, do you take me for some silly teenager?" Supergirl asked with a chuckle.
"It's not like you didn't look like one ten seconds ago*Ahem*" Flash commented earning himself a glare from Supergirl.